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SO—season opens (or opened); SC—season closes (or closed).
C—clear water; D—water dirty or roily; M—water muddy.
N—water at normal height; SH—slightly high; H—high; VH—very high; L—low; R—rising; F—falling.
WT50—water temperature 50°.
FG—fishing good; FF—fishing fair; FP—fishing poor; OVG—outlook very good; OG—outlook good; OF—outlook fair; OP—outlook poor

STRIPED BASS: NEW JERSEY: Trolling season got off to a good and early start along the ocean front from Sandy Hook to Seabright and also at Roamer Shoals area between Sandy Hook and Coney Island. Several bass better than 40 pounds have already been boated and catches of two to three to a boat are not unusual. Virtually all action so far has been on big Jersey bunker spoons about the size of a menhaden. Daytime trolling is currently best, although a few fish are striking at night. Charter boats are available at Highlands, Atlantic Highlands, Great Kills and Sheepshead Bay for this fishing. Meanwhile, surf fishermen say FVP.

MARYLAND: Striped bass to 30 pounds are prowling waters of the middle Chesapeake Bay from Bloody Point Light to Love Point, staying close in to eastern shore, with heaviest concentrations on Brick House Bar. Bass are striking enthusiastically on No. 20 chrome spoons, but all "rockfish" over 15 pounds must be released. Best action is at change of tides. Pan stripers are fairly plentiful around Bay Bridge rockpiles and will hit small plugs or spin lures when mood is on them.

CALIFORNIA: High winds kept many boats off San Francisco area waters last week but had died down at press time, and agent says San Pablo Bay should be good if calm weather continues, favors Napa and Martinez-Benicia areas. Sacramento River H and M, but San Joaquin good at mouth of Three Mile Slough and on False River flats. Best day's catch reported last week at Patrick's Resort was 56 bass to 18 pounds. OF/G.

MASSACHUSETTS: First striped bass of current herring run taken in Cape Cod Canal last Saturday by Tom Ceddry of Cambridge on live-herring bait. Bait and spin lures producing school fish at Weweantic and Popponesset Beach.

NEW YORK: Season is three weeks late, says Montauk agent, but surf fishermen expect action to start any night now as big fish, known to be in area, move in to beaches.

BLACK BASS: VIRGINIA: Largemouth bass have started hitting top-water plugs and bugs at most ponds, lakes and reservoirs throughout the state, and OVG while evenings continue cool.

FLORIDA: Substantial rainfall last week improved bass fishing throughout most of this state. In central Florida, phosphate pits south of Lakeland and lakes within city limits are producing bass in good numbers, with occasional lunkers to 11 pounds. In northwest Florida best bass spots are the Wakulla and Apalachicola rivers and best lure is live shiners.

MISSOURI: FP generally, moans Ozark agent, with streams H and M, and OP until sunny weather sets in. SO May 30th and opening was poorest in several years. Most lakes H, SD and still rising.

TENNESSEE: Several large bass reported at Cherokee Lake, Norris Lake and Watts Bar Lake, with anglers getting best results with live bait or top-water lures. In Watauga Lake Montie Johnson, Valley Forge, took a largemouth bass weighing 7½ pounds on a plug. In general OF.

NORTH CAROLINA: Fontana Lake in western North Carolina continues to be prime producer of largemouth bass. Most of those reported last week were in 3-pound class and oldtimers advise night fishing with noisy top-water plugs.

CALIFORNIA: Shasta Lake bass on feeding spree after windy days, says agent, adding that same favorable conditions prevail on Mead, Havasu and Mohave lakes on lower Colorado River. Lakes Henshaw and Irvine were improving at press time, and OG.

LOUISIANA: John Van Norman and Frank Kelly caught 28 bigmouths in the Calcasieu River using a new lure with spinner on top, skirt in back and double hook, but last summer's sensational "red worm" still doing brisk business. Steve Lymberis of Alexandria and a friend caught 23 bass to 3 pounds in two hours last Friday afternoon in Lake Concordia. Lymberis predicted a banner summer for fishermen in central Louisiana because of floods just beginning to subside. "In normal weather," says Lymberis, "lunker bass hang around familiar areas and know where to find food without traveling far or investigating strange lures. When high water knocks out normal food supply they start prowling around and are more likely to fall for a lure."

BLUEFISH: NEW JERSEY: Prospects are bright for another fine bluefish year, says Jersey spy, as blues are starting to show offshore in fair numbers. Top boat last Saturday out of Brielle had 25, all taken about four miles off Seaside Park. Trollers last week did well off Great Kills, Staten Island, where one boat reported 38 fish. Some blues of more than 10 pounds have been taken in pound nets off Staten Island and also in Raritan Bay, but average is about 3 pounds.

MARYLAND: Blues abundant in surf near Ocean City with bait producing best and OG.

VIRGINIA: Blues to 10 and 12 pounds are being taken by party boats out of Virginia Beach and Lynnhaven Inlet a few miles offshore, and veteran anglers are predicting that the big fish will move into the Chesapeake Bay in large numbers for the first time in over a decade.

NORTH CAROLINA: Scores of large bluefish, many in 10-pound class, are being caught by offshore anglers from Oregon Inlet and Hatteras. John Wood of Princess Anne, Maryland caught four from 8 to 10 pounds in vicinity of Wimble Shoal off Oregon Inlet last week, and OVG all along Outer Banks.

PACIFIC SALMON: CALIFORNIA: Rough water canceled most trips last week outside Golden Gate, but Monterey trolling was red hot and Edward Tavares nailed largest chinook of season, a 34-pounder, to prove it. Released Shasta Dam water will help clear Sacramento River and should improve fishing in lower stretches. In general, OVG if rough water subsides.

WASHINGTON: Early run of huge kings, due in Skagit River in mid-June, is showing unusually early this year. These big salmon are suckers for a No. 7 spoon or a salmon plug trolled in hot spots on either side of Hope Island. Last week's top catches were 52-pounder boated by John C. Johnson of Seattle and 40½-pounder taken by Vic Kumma of Anacortes. Skagit River is in beautiful shape, H but C, and our undercover man recommends riffle below mouth of Gilligan Creek where a number of kings to 36 pounds have been taken on cherry bobbers and drifted brass wobblers. In San Juan Islands, Point Lawrence off Orcas Island was center of action last week, providing limits of fish to 25 pounds. Other worthwhile Puget Sound spots are Neah Bay and Sekiu, where herring dodgers are best lure and OVG.

OREGON: Santiam River near Stayton producing limit catches of spring chinook salmon on casting and spin-fishing tackle.

ATLANTIC SALMON: MAINE: Air Force Technician Leo Gilmore of Frankfort struck a 20-pound 1-ounce blow for the dry-fly set when he whipped the year's heaviest Maine salmon after it rose to a No. 4 Hair fly at the Academy Pool on the Narragaugus River last week. Gilmore took one hour and five minutes to bring the fish to gaff. River SH, OF; total rod kill now over 15 for season.