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Fishing is the favorite pursuit of this attractive young matron and her husband, members of a prominent Winston-Salem, N.C. family. And taking a prize like this tarpon is not likely to diminish Mrs. Hanes's enthusiasm. Boated on a recent visit to Islamorada, Fla., it weighed 51 pounds and was taken in 27 minutes, using a seven-ounce Ted Williams fly rod with 12-pound test leader—a feat of considerable skill. Between them the Haneses caught six tarpons in three days.

Hunting and golf are other sport interests shared by Mr. and Mrs. Hanes, but when the responsibilities of a large household, raising four children and running a knitting mill can be laid aside, it's the rod and reel and a good fishing location they choose. And during the periods when a trip is out of the question, Mrs. Hanes can be found practicing her pet sport on the fish-filled lakes of their country farm.