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If a fellow follows sports...

I remember when Westbrook Pegler was a sportswriter and when the Rices and Runyons made a suspenseful yarn out of every sports event. The Police Gazette was practically my primer. And not because of the Mack Sennett bathing beauties either. I was too young for that.

But in recent years I've thought I might have noticed a detectable decline in the dramatic quality of our sports writing. The color, the imaginative writing, and the picturesque nomenclature didn't seem as rich as they used to be.

Then someone got an inspiration—SPORTS ILLUSTRATED. Here I find what I've been missing—stories of all our national and sectional sports events, not only written in the old tradition, but accompanied by pictures wisely chosen and harmoniously laid out.

If a fellow follows sports, he's got to follow SPORTS ILLUSTRATED.


"There has never been the slightest confusion about where Bing Crosby stands," wrote Herbert Warren Wind in 1956. "He is, in his attitude toward sports, what you might call the amateur's amateur: he loves to play them (and plays them well); he loves to talk them (and talks them whenever he can)."

For two decades now one of the true high, points of the winter golf season has been "The Crosby," the tournament Bing sponsors each January over the classic courses on California's Monterey Peninsula.