Down in thegold-plated southeastern corner of Florida and beyond to the islands in thesea, there was a mad scramble as the year ended to get the scaffolding down inadvance of the onrushing palefaces moving south for a bit of sun and a stopoverin this year's tepees. Hoppers and Floppers, Oglers and Doers, they convergedfrom all parts of the U.S. and Canada to see what new Rome had been built in ayear, what new Taj of the tropics had risen in the yeasty soil of the GoldCoast.
Certainly therecould be no disappointment. In Miami Beach there was not merely the usual ThisYear's Hotel. This year there were two, the Carillon and the Deauville, risingpractically side by side. Each called itself the newest and the largest inFlorida, and while each raced to open ahead of the other, neither realized thatthe last to open would really be the newest. In Miami minutes can count.
The Carillon wasoffering an advertised 620 rooms in a 17-story pile topped by a bell-shapedcarillon tower. The bells are played electronically, and the lobby resoundssoftly, of course, with their tones. Decorative bells, albeit unringable, growon vines around the lobby columns, a bell-shaped chandelier hangs in a stairwell, and the guests may dine with Victorian elegance in the Silver ChimesRoom. Rates: $22 per top room, top of the season; $14-$20 in January, includingbreakfast and dinner.
Down the block,the Deauville, resting on the site of the old MacFadden-Deauville, stretches 14stories high, advertises 600—count 'em—rooms. It is the only hotel for milesaround that's equipped with an ice-skating rink. Blades and bikinis withinsight of each other! It also sports a nightclub created by Leon Leonidoff who,commuting between New York's Radio City Music Hall and The Beach, will stageextravaganzas with showgirls rising out of the floor on elevators and emergingout of the walls on hydraulic jacks.
In case anybodyever gets outside, there is an advertised expanse of 570 feet of ocean front,but, like most new beach-front hotels, the Deauville will have no beach. Withland so expensive Miami Beach has suddenly discovered that sand is afour-letter word. Cement bulkheads have been built to the very edge of thelapping Atlantic, and groins have been extended to help a new beach pile up,perhaps in two or three years' time, by which date a hotel hereabouts might bean obsolete hulk by the shore.
This year, 32blocks north of the Deauville, in the district known as Bal Harbour, there is abrave new establishment called the Beau Rivage, which describes itself as, andI quote, "the world's most unique motel—within a world of its own."There are 300 rooms in the motel, all air-conditioned, all equipped with21-inch television sets. Here and there around the grounds there are anine-hole putting green floodlit at night, a supper club, an Olympic pool, freeparking, and baby-sitting by television. A camera will be trained on the criband a TV nurse will monitor several youngsters at once. During the day thelittle dears can knock themselves out in a playground called The Tots Spot.(The Deauville, which is very French, calls its pen La Bastille.) Rates at theBeau Rivage: $15 a day, including, in January, a free 1958 rental car, allyours for just the mileage.
Across the straitsin Cuba, the new Havana Riviera, one of the most beautiful hotels in the world,could also claim to be one of the world's most expensive. In the top of theseason, from January 15 to March 14, it is asking anywhere from $27 to $39 aday for a single room, a fee which includes circulating ice water,air-conditioning and a view of the sea across the Malecon. Looking down from ahotel balcony, its casino is a blue-green egg rising out of the ground. Inside,the egg has gold walls, gold carpet and overseers who watch the play frommahogany pulpits with railings of brass.
Outside, the giantpool area is paved with stone blocks, flanked with twin decks of cabanas. Thekeystone-shaped pool, 100 by 55, is the largest in Cuba.
At the Capri, theother hotel that has opened in Havana this season, the pool and cabana club ison top of a 19-story shaft, with a magnificent if somewhat unsettling poolsideview of the rooftops of Havana. Under the pool are some 300 rooms and suites,and off the lobby is a svelte casino paved with red damask walls and hung withcrystal chandeliers.
Looming on theHavana horizon but not yet ready is Hilton's new effort, a huge twin-toweredificio which has been financed, of all things, by a local union. When itopens, probably in February, it will have a Sugar Bar topside, a doorman with aturquoise-plumed pith helmet at sea level, and somewhere on the premises aSouth Sea island Trader Vic's complete with pandanus roof and a Polynesiankitchen, all set to turn out Latin luaus.
Jamaica, which hadhitherto specialized in long low hotels and cottage colonies, has added two newtall Miami Beach-style inns, one at Montego Bay and the other in the Ocho Riosarea. Montego Bay's eight-story Casa Montego is a 100-room hotel built by asyndicate formed by John Pringle of Round Hill (SI, Feb. 18, 1957), and is thefirst part of a complex which will eventually embrace four units in and aroundthe old Casa Blanca Hotel. Three-quarters of a mile from the Montego Bayairport (which has direct service from Miami and New York), a mile from townand a few hundred yards' walk from Doctor's Cave Beach, the Casa Montego isscheduled to open next week. It will charge from $42 to $46 a day for twopeople with all meals. A skinny slice of concrete just one room wide, the hotelrises between the sea and a jungle-covered hill. If you want a sea view, askfor a room above the fourth floor.
Already open inthe Ocho Rios section is the Miami-styled, Morris Lapidus-designed(Fontainebleau, Eden Roc, Americana) Arawak, which offers the flashiest, mostmodern hotel yet put up in Jamaica, complete in its own resorty park. Every oneof the 176 rooms has a view either to the sea or to the shimmering, palm-deckedmountains. Aside from the broad pool area, over 500 feet long, surrounded bysettees and dotted with concrete umbrellas, there is an honest-to-goodnessbeach which, in the Caribbean at least, is still considered a resort necessity.For $50 to $58 a day per couple, the Arawak proffers a West Indian breakfast(same as breakfast in Canarsie except it includes a bowl of fruit and is servedon the terrace), buffet lunch, hors d'oeuvres at cocktails and a formal dinner.The menu will always include such localisms as codfish and ackee, guava andsoursop ice cream.
Opening inmid-January will be Jamaica's Royal Caribbean, a collection of pink Georgianbuildings put up by Lawrence Paul, a Cincinnati builder. Clustered togetheraround a beach-front site on Mahoe Bay, five miles from Montego, the Royal isoffering 80 apartments, either with an efficiency unit or a complete kitchen.There will be bus service into town but guests can give their grocery orders tothe front desk. A typical apartment has a bedroom, a screened porch, dressingroom, cooking unit and bath at $44 a day, you do the cooking. Of course, forthose who don't want to mess with housekeeping, there will be a dining room onhand in the center court, along with a dance floor and a pool. A natural reefoffshore makes a mill pond of the sea, which gently laps the white sandbeach.
In San Juan theCaribe Hilton has opened a 100-room Garden Wing to its eminently successfulhotel, now eight years old. Instead of the door which leads to a small balconyin each room of the main house, the abodes of the Garden Wing have slidingpanels so you can peel back virtually one whole wall, the one facing the sea,to be exact, and the room seems suddenly to become some elegant tree house bythe water's edge.
Sparked by theeconomic renaissance which the Caribe touched off, and the realization thatPuerto Rico had much to offer the tourist (as well as the industrialist), thesecond large new hotel will open there this winter with the completion of theSan Juan Intercontinental. Rather resembling the Caribe in its generalstructure, it contains a whopping 369 rooms, is rimmed by a beach, and is ascant five minutes from the airport. It is the second Caribbean venture of theseason for Pan American World Airways, whose hotel-building program has latelytaken on supersonic speed. The first, in Curagao, built inside an old fort,opened late last fall.
Sunning perhaps,but not swimming, SI Correspondent Jeffrey Fry reports from Bermuda, that lushisle 600 miles off the Eastern capes.
Cool-bloodedStatesiders bask on the white and pink beaches that rim the island, and somemay even take to the waters. But guided lung diving, guided by Bermudians, thatis, does not start until May. Water-skiing through the sheltered, picturesqueinland waterways is possible the year around, but it's better if you don't falloff. Golf on dry land might be a better winter sport, and there are fourtournaments between January and March, including the Ladies AmateurChampionship at the Mid-Ocean Club March 11. With five courses to choose fromon this 22-square-mile coral archipelago, there is probably more fairway persquare mile hereabouts than any other place in the world.
Since Easter isthe top of the season here, there will be plenty of room at the dozens offirst-class hotels and more informal guest houses in January, February andearly March. Daily rates at the larger establishments run from $9.50 to $25 aday; as little as $7 a day at some guest houses, all including breakfast anddinner. While almost all hotel rates include meals, wanton types can journey bybike, by carriage or by small car to Deepdene Manor, Tom Moore's Tavern,Waterlot Inn and the Empire Club for Bermuda fish chowder and the clawlesslobster which swims in the local waters and is probably glad to get into a hottub anyway.
From the U.S. GulfCoast John Wilds reports on a home-grown Riviera with the same temperature asthe C√¥te d'Azur—too cool for winter swimming, but ideal for flowers, carnivalsand outdoor sports.
Flower-sniffersflock to Mobile, Ala. in winter, streaming through Bellingrath Gardens, 17miles outside of town, and packing the downtown inns for the annual—you'llpardon me, I'm sure—Azalearama, February 2. Miss America is crowned AzaleaQueen, which makes it legal, and for the next two months the garden club ladiesarrange for tours of the local azalea nests.
Anybody in thevicinity for the azalea bursting might cruise 30 miles southward over the newoverseas highway to Dauphin Island. Guests registered at the Battle House andAdmiral Semmes hotels, as well as the better motels (St. Francis, Shangri-Laand Bama as suggestions), can obtain a card for the elegant Dauphine Club,possessed of one of the better kitchens in the environs.
A side excursioncan take the roamer over the Florida state border into Pensacola and its gulfbeach. There is good fishing from the piers, and charter boats take out afterchannel bass, weakfish and ling, with other forays exploring the snapper banksin the gulf. Anybody on dry land March 13 to 16 can take in the PensacolaOpen.
Over at Biloxi,Miss., the permanent encampment lodged in that gulf town gets just astwitterpated over camellias as Mobile does over its azaleas. While there is nocamelliarama, there is a Camellia Festival and it is held February 8-9. Fourgolf courses will keep the men busy, and while the deep-sea fish are out ofseason, so to speak, there are fresh-water streams inland as well as BiloxiBay. The Gulf Hills Dude Ranch, a displaced layout, offers not only riding butgolfing and boating at about $15 a day with meals, a rate that compares withthe Edge-water Gulf Hotel which has a longtime reputation as well as golf onthe gulf. Starting rate at the motels is about $7 for two, and the Sun 'N Sand,Trade Winds and the Buena Vista are among the handsomest.
Carnival boils atBiloxi, Mobile and especially New Orleans during the first weeks of February,erupting finally with Mardi Gras on February 18. For oglers the horses gallopfive times a week at the homey old track at the Fair Grounds. A beneficentmetropolis also stocks the City Park and Audubon Park lagoons with black bass.Saltwater anglers can try for speckled weakfish and sheepshead in LakePontchartrain, or take the 100-mile motor trip to Grand Isle where charterboats cruise out to the offshore oil rigs for surefire hauls of blues, pompanoand silver trout.
Three ways tostart a New Orleans evening are with Sazerac, a Ramon gin fizz or an absinthefrappé. There are numerous places to continue it—Antoine's, Galatoire's,Brennan's, to mention only a few. One way to end it is with coffee andFrench-style doughnuts at the French Market. In between times, Dixieland stillwells out of Bourbon Street, where the strippers tease. Headliners play at theRoosevelt and Monteleone hotels. As for a place at last to sleep, the hotelsare crowded in winter, but two motels, the de Ville and the Pan American, justoutside the main business district, are as posh as Palm Beach. And dozens ofother bright drive-ins line the east and west approaches to town.
Up to here insagebrush, head upturned to the southwestern sun, Arnott Duncan files asfollows about the resort lands that are flowering like desert blooms in thespring:
The three maincenters in Arizona's southwestern sunland, reading north to south, areWickenburg, Phoenix and Tucson, with ranches and ramadas spread all over thesurrounding canyons. Of the three, Wickenburg is probably the hossiest and themost doggedly western. It advertises itself as the Dude Ranch Capital of theWorld, and there is still a store in town where you can buy a stick of dynamitejust as easily as a box of Rice Krispies, and prospectors can get gold weighedin the back. Its ranches organize moonlight rides into the mesquite,chuck-wagon picnics where the pinto beans are piled as high as a city boy's eyeand the biscuits are earth-baked in a Dutch oven. There are rodeo fields andcattle rasslin', but for all that there are heated and tinted swimming pools,and some establishments look as if they had felt the deft designing touch of aHopalong Saarinen. Aside from riding herd on the herd and, of course, dunkingin the warmed-over water, there are both golf and tennis, all at anywhere from$90 to $125 per person a week depending upon the layout.
Fifty-five milesto the south, in the Valley of the Sun, lies Phoenix. Sixteen golf courses aregreen oases in the suburbs. It has large de luxe hotels like the ArizonaBiltmore, and in the surrounding acres, resorts like the Casa Blanca, whichlooks like a sultan's seraglio, and the sniffy Camelback Inn, where the guestsmust be as Thoroughbred as the horses.
Out in Scottsdale,a planned western town outside Phoenix, there are wooden sidewalks and hitchingposts where a man can tie up his Thunderbird. There are handsome little shops,pink and precious, and an upholstered Wild West saloon called Lulu Belle'scomplete with all the plush appendages of the frontier days. While all kinds ofnew hotels and motels irrigated by the flow of green sprinkled by tourists havebloomed on a hitherto barren desert, probably the most awesome spectacle aboutis the $600,000 Oasis Mobile Home Park in Scottsdale. For $550 a year, asun-following trailer owner leases 3,000 square feet of territory on which hemay build his own ramada—a sort of annex to the trailer. He may also grow hisown grass, plant flowers, install a piano and hire a maid. Utilities are fed tohim underground, and he finds himself a member of a permanent floatingcommunity which offers its members a heated swimming pool, putting greens,shuffleboard, library, dancing, showers, a laundromat and the use of aphotography dark room. When summer comes, those who don't like Arizona when itsizzles can move eastward into New Mexico or westward to the sea.
Tucson might becalled an overgrown Wickenburg, for it is speckled with dude ranches and withwealthy ranchers. While it is not as urban as Phoenix, it owns a university,not to mention three golf courses, horse and dog racing. But while Phoenixstresses Thoroughbred strains, Tucson features quarterhorses. Creased withhistory, and not nearly so nouveau, it has old Spanish missions, old Indianforts, and new Indians down from Cleveland to unlimber for future fracases upnorth. Tombstone, a ghost from another day, is a short drive. It is an hour tothe ski runs at Mount Lemmon, an hour and a half to the Sunday bullfights atNogales. San Xavier del Bac, the oldest mission still in use, is just outsideof town. But roping and riding exercises are staged Sundays at the big layoutsall around Tucson, and there will be a world championship rodeo inFebruary.
Let James Murrayand Robert Nichols speak for their favorite state:
While a movie staror a movie mogul might enjoy a chance winter's promenade around a swimming poolin Los Angeles, the Roto-Body-Broilers flock like Riffs on Homecoming Day tothe desert fastnesses of Palm Springs. Here, encircled by three mountainranges, nestling under snowcapped Mount San Jacinto (10,805 feet) is a gorgeousgalaxy of hotels, small resorts, dazzling stores (one sells only fur, severalare owned by movie stars), nightclubs and drive-ins. Hotels range from theflossy precincts of the Racquet Club, still operated by Charlie Farrell mainlyfor the amusement of the visiting movie colony, to such spartan reservations asSmoke Tree Ranch (SI, March 18, 1957) where the carefully selected guests getice delivered to their cottages each afternoon for private imbibing (there isno bar), later march into the kitchen to be served right out of the pots.
In between theselandmarks which anchor two ends of Palm Springs taste is a wide string ofhotels, three-quarters of which charge about $15 a night for two includingContinental breakfast, and the run of such house equipment as a shuffleboardcourt, tennis court, putting green and, inevitably, a pool and a place to sun.While small resorts might charge $8 to $12 a night, a detached bungalow in asuperswank hotel (which also has plain doubles at $20 per) can be leased for$125 per.
The lands to theeast and south of San Diego, in the lower left-hand corner of the nation, mightbe considered "off season"—but what with the weather, theirmultitudinous activities and off-season prices they might prove just the thingfor a deep-frozen refugee from farther north. Within a single day's travel timeout of San Diego one may join a breakfast ride in the Borego Desert, or golf onone of 14 fairways in a 15-mile radius, or sail or motorboat on San Diego Bayor Mission Bay any weekend, or water-ski or fish for yellowtail, marlin,abalone and on the inland lakes for bass and crappie. In Baja California, thelong spindly Mexican peninsula that grows out of southern California, there isopen season January, February and March on quail, deer, mountain lion andturkey. Dogs, horses, bulls and jai alai players all perform over the border inCaliente.
The two real findsare Borego and Baja California. A sort of Palm Springs of San Diego, Borego isa mountain-ringed desert 80 miles east of the coast. The valley floor, a50,000-acre expanse once covered wall to wall with sand dunes and cactus, isnow sprightly with homes, crops, the nine-hole De Anza Desert Country Club andnearly a score of motels. Probably the best bets are the Borego Palms and theDesert Lodge. The Lodge offers both motel units and individual cottages at$17.50 to $30 a day.
Ringing the valleyis the Anza-Borego State Park, a 426,000-acre desert park which grows curiouscacti, sprouts odd rocks and shelters the strange desert fauna that starred inDisney's The Living Desert. In March the desertland blooms with a carpet ofocatilla, desert verbena and other blossoming cacti. Nature hikes, horsebacktrips and jeep excursions are all available for desert explorers. A jeep withdriver rents for about $2 an hour.
Baja, or Lower,California is an immense and wild territory, teeming with fish and game. Butfor those who want to invade the precincts nearest San Diego, January throughMarch seems an ideal time. The border town of Tijuana, like Caliente, hashorses, dogs, jai alai and bulls, but Ensenada, 70 miles south, is a restfulplace much favored by those who like to fish and rest. The Bahia in Ensenadaserves venison, quail and the local rock lobster. For travelers en routebetween the two, one of the newest and best hotels of the whole peninsula is LaSierra, a few miles south of Tijuana. The rate is $6 a day flat.
Those who like themore remote areas of Baja California are described as "enterprisingsportsmen." For them there is a choice of camping out or arranging at theEnsenada Tourist Bureau for accommodations at private ranches. Two of the bestare the San Quentin (no relation) and the Hamilton Ranch, 35 miles south ofEnsenada. They charge $10 a day with meals.
One hundred milessouth and east of Mexicali, on the Gulf of California side, the sleepy villageof San Felipe has excellent fishing this time of the year for sierra, bass,whitefish, some sail and marlin. Quail and rabbit abound in the mountains westof town and there are mountain lion and goat. Augie's Riviera will shelter youat $5 to $6 a day. As it is most of the year, the winter mood in LowerCalifornia is serene and relaxed. Whether you are a hunter, fisherman orunclassified tourist, the mood of La Paz, at the southern end of the peninsula,probably fits. There they say the first few days you just sit around and think.After that you just sit.
From RichardOulahan Jr. and Rafael Delgado Lozano come reports of the avant-garde touristmovements as well as an edge-of-the-season appraisal of those tried-and-truetouristlands of the derrière-garde:
Acapulco is stillthe lodestone, but the avant-garde is heading for other towns along the Mexicancoast. Zihuatanejo, about 100 miles north of Acapulco, has an excellent beachand two small hotels. Much to the pleasure of those who have secured space inthem, first-class facilities in the whole town are limited to 46 people.Farther up the coast, San Bias and Manzanillo are stirring from a sleep thathas out-winked Van Winkle.
Farther northstill, Mazatlàn has patched together the rents caused by the hurricanes andawaits the winter with pleasure. Guaymas, most northerly establishment on theGulf of California, is already well known, harbors a luxury hotel called thePlaya de Cortes, a quaint Victorian zócalo, a number of Hollywood celebritiesand Mexico's best oysters.
As for Acapulco,the new hotels seem to rise seasonally like asparagus. This year there is theelegant Pierre Marques, built by Paul Getty on a magnificent strip of sand afew miles south of town. Another splendid posada named the Noa Noa has openedright in Acapulco, and the Hotel Elkano, named after a Basque captain ofMagellan, has just opened the front door.
Acapulcan nightlife, too, has a new and flossy addition, the bayside Cantamar of the HotelPrado Americas. Along with an elegant décor, it offers dancing under a thatchedroof, water-skiing and an approach via a funicular railroad.
Daily planeservice still cruises between Mexico City and the Yucatan capital of Merida(SI, Feb. 4, 1957), for those who are interested in low-altitude ruin-rambling.For low-pressure lolling there is always San Jose Purua, three hours by carfrom Mexico City, which delights the weary with millions of flowers and agorgeous view, soothes him with radium baths, wakens him again with a waterfallthat can be turned on and off at will. Much the same is to be had at Fortin delas Flores, where any latent sybarite with the price of an airline ticket canspend the winter basking in a gardenia-covered pool contemplating thesnowcapped glories of Orizaba Volcano. There are worse ways of frittering awaythe winter.
Burrowing on thebeach at Waikiki for future SI coverage of that delightful strand, Staff WriterColes Phinizy wires a warning and a love note from the Hawaiian Islands:
Every resort isbuilt around something. At Waikiki, of course, it is the beach. Waikiki'sbeach, reckoned by its length of about two miles, is modest in comparison tothe strands of some of the superspas. Still, considering the varied tastes oftourists—the desires of heroes who want action riding waves, and the desires ofthe indolent who merely want to dunk and bask in a sheen of suntan oil—Waikikiis, according to its loyal devotees, the finest tourist beach in the world.
There is still inWaikiki's soul a feeling of compatibility and casualness, but there is alsosneaking along Kalakaua Avenue a glitter of neon and other symptoms of highpressure. The airplane, the travel pamphlets proudly announce, is bringingWaikiki closer and closer to Los Angeles, Fort Wayne and New York. In itsattitude, Waikiki is also getting closer to Las Vegas, Miami Beach and HonkyTonk. Under the heavy tourist pressure today, Waikiki seems overeager toprovide the tourists with whatever it is they are accustomed to having at allthe other fine places of the world. The menus of the hotel dining roomssomewhat reflect this attitude. There is on every side an offer to choosebetween New York sirloin, Long Island duck, Indian curry, Louisiana shrimp andNew Zealand lobster tails—the tasteful platitudes of a thousand bistros back onthe mainland.
The visitor toWaikiki who would like to eat Hawaiian should take in the best of the luaus, atDon the Beachcomber's and at the Queen's Surf, then move on to specialtyrestaurants. For sea food he can go to Fisherman's Wharf, which, in the styleof all such wharves, is done up in fish nets, marine artifacts and mountedfish. There he can eat as if he had never left home, or pioneer a bit. TheWharf serves local fish very well: opakapaka, ulua and dolphin (which goeslocally by the name of mahi mahi). The raw fish—sashimi, as the Japanese callit—is served with a good mustard-hot soya sauce, and the man who develops ataste for it at the Wharf can have it again by moving on to places like IchiGardens, the best appointed of the Japanese restaurants.
Where a visitorshould stay in Hawaii is a matter of what he has in mind. The Moana, theSurfrider or the Royal Hawaiian face the surf, and hence are good for waveriding or watching. At Halekulani, the pressure for activity is lower. Once aweek, without calling it a Inau, Halekulani serves up the ingredients of aluau—poi, raw salt salmon, pork or chicken lau laus, Kailua pig, squid androast breadfruit.
The dominanttopic, attraction and phenomenon as Waikiki enters its second boom decade isthe Hawaiian Village, the product of the enterprise of Henry J. Kaiser. Italready has 360 rooms open to guests, and the construction is still thunderingskyward. Before Henry is through with his strip of the beach, according topresent plans, there will be 1,600 more rooms for the visitors. There arealready within the village three dinner spots and a variety of shops to competewith the variety of shops that line Kalakaua Avenue. The Village has fourswimming pools in use, the island's best fleet of catamarans, as well as theequipment and the competent instructors for skin-diving, water-skiing andcanoeing.
But if Henry isbecoming the Kaiser of Waikiki, there is still plenty of lovely Lebensraum onthe other islands of Hawaii. Wild goats and wild boar still roam the mountainvalleys, the forests and the lava fields of the Big Island. There is asimmering volcano there and a lodge that hangs on the edge of it. The CocoPalms Lodge nestles in a grove of thousands of palms on the garden island ofKauai, and in the Hanalei Valley visitors can sail into the Fern Grotto.Installed at the Maui Palms on Kahului Bay or in the magnificence of the HanaMaui on Maui, a Sun-Kissed Sightseer can roll across the island to the world'slargest dormant volcano, with a rim 21 miles in circumference and a highway tothe top. Here amid the bubble caves and the cinder cone hills, it is a long,long way from the telephone, the television, the ticker and the toe-freezingtemperature of that other world.
by Horace Suttonand a staff of eight SI CORRESPONDENTS
There are many of them, from the Pacific's South SeaIsles to the storied Caribbean. Besides some 138 regularly scheduled cruises,20 shipping lines of a dozen nations send their most luxurious vesselssouthward from January through March, offering 50 special cruises of one tothree weeks for a minimum of $25 per day. Airlines, too, now offer specialsouthern tours. Whether it be by sea or air, the would-be traveler can get acomplete listing from any travel bureau.
Turn to page 56 for Carleton Mitchell's story of acruise through the Bahama Islands aboard the racer Finisterre.
SPORT ILLUSTRATED SOUTH is a vast and varied area stretching from hawaiian Islands (here, for convenience's sake, moved close to the California coast) to Bermuda and the Lesser Antilles. Wandering across this sunlit domain, the Footloose Sportsman here pinpoints the areas that offer the variety of recreations listed in the accompanying text, from just plain sunbathing for those who seek a healthy tan to mountain lion hunting for those who like their relaxation on the active side. To complete the list, there are countless categories of cruises, a summation of which is appended below for those who love the sea.