Kristoffer Kristofferson
This dashing young man in the Rugby outfit plays standoff on the team at Pomona College in California, where he is a senior. But this is only a small facet of 21-year-old Kris Kristofferson's amazing record. He is also starting left end on the varsity football team, a Golden Gloves boxer, sports editor of the college paper, outstanding cadet in the ROTC battalion of which he is cadet commander. As an English major he is an honor student and member of the four-man senior honor society on campus. Kris won four of the top 20 awards recently given in a creative writing contest for college students. He composes folk songs which he sings to his own guitar accompaniment. And to crown this varied list of accomplishments Kris is a Rhodes scholar-elect, one of 32 young Americans chosen to go to Oxford this fall. As the eldest of three children of Major General and Mrs. Henry Kristofferson, Kris will find travel familiar. The family has done a lot of it keeping up with theirairline-executive father (the senior Kristoffersons are in Saudi Arabia, where the general is operations manager for Aramco Airlines), and Kris has lived in Texas, Washington, New York and California. It was in San Mateo that he attended high school and distinguished himself as a distance runner. At Oxford he will study English literature to prepare for a writing career.