MEMO from the publisher
In next week's issue three of the best-known living writers on fishing describe three of America's least-known trout streams. They will tell how to reach the streams; how to fish them; what fish to expect; where to lodge; and what equipment to take.
John McDonald reveals a creek hidden in the wilderness of Montana. McDonald is the author of the book, The Complete Fly Fisherman, which established Theodore Gordon as the founder of American fly fishing. When good fortune brought to light what is probably the only extant fly box Gordon owned, McDonald analyzed its contents for SPORTS ILLUSTRATED (Oct. 18, 1954). Last year he played a major role in our publication of Dame Juliana Berners' Treaty se of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, reconstructing with Dr. Dwight A. Webster the first recorded artificial trout flies and then (SI, June 3, 1957) explaining the good nun's immense legacy to fishing literature.
Most recently in these pages Sparse Grey Hackle has sent out a call for a dog psychologist (SI, 19TH HOLE, March 3). But he has written here earlier of piscine rather than canine matters—as when he reported on how rubbish was ruining the great Beaver-kill (SI, Feb. 27, 1956) and on how Hiram Leonard became the father of the fly rod (June 4, 1956). Hackle next week writes of a river of brown trout and rainbows in the mountains of Pennsylvania.
The third writer is Roderick Haig-Brown, for whom this will be the first appearance in SPORTS ILLUSTRATED. Born in Sussex, Haig-Brown grew up fishing the chalk streams of southern England. In his teens he left, in search of "broken country," which he found in the Pacific Northwest. There, in a Vancouver Island farmhouse overlooking the Campbell River, he lives, writes, fishes—and studies the Northwest rivers, which he knows as perhaps no other man. Haig-Brown has written more than a dozen books on fishing and nature. His two-volume Western Angler stands alone as the classic on Pacific salmon and western trout. Next week he tells about remote water in Washington, a haven for steelhead and cutthroats.
In his article John McDonald notes criteria which give a trout stream merit. "There must," he says finally, "be something unexpected about it."
That quality certainly belongs to these three streams. For to most of those who cast for trout they have been till now not only unexpected, but unknown.