January 5, 1959 Table Of Contents
Coming Events
COMING EVENTS January 2 to January 8
Basketball's Week
By Les Woodcock
Greatest Game
The Best Football Game Ever Played
In football's first brush with sudden death, the Baltimore Colts won the world championship in hair-raising style
By Tex Maule
Notre Dame
By Leon Jaroff
Events & Discoveries
For the revelation of pure excellence in mind and body
Rafer Johnson
As their Sportsman of 1958 the editors choose
The year's top sportsman had good company—notably the nonpareil
Heroes Of The Year
By Martin Kane
By William F. Talbert
By Gwilym Brown
By Jeremiah Tax
By Tex Maule
By Roy Terrell
By Ezra Bowen
By Kenneth Rudeen
Little St. Mary's has hopes of being best in the West, and they are mostly centered on a young man who arrived via Manchuria and a Japanese prison camp
By Jeremiah Tax
Ski Tip
Previews of '59's kayos and decisions
Some soothsayings on the Supreme Court's IBC decision, two Patterson fights and Sugar Ray's portrayal of Hamlet
By Martin Kane
Motor Sports
The debut of Ford's potent luxury car in NASCAR competition next month has racing's hot-stove league abuzz
By Kenneth Rudeen
Offbeat Haven
An Offbeat Haven in Southern Seas
The Netherlands Antilles, remnants of a Dutch adventure in the Caribbean 300 years ago, offer new adventures to Americans today
Sporting Look
The Continental suit is a new—and controversial—item at your clothier's
Tip From The Top
Where the natural athlete goes wrong
19th Hole: The Readers Take Over
19TH HOLE: The readers take over
Pat On The Back
'Now run, you dumb things'