MEMO from the publisher
Any resemblance between hunting and fishing and the preparation and presentation of food is not in the least bit coincidental. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED has often enjoyed saying so—with, for example, recipes for a wild turkey dinner (SI, Dec. 23, '57) or Colorado mountain trout √† la Eisenhower (Dec. 26, '55).
In a sports setting these days, however, there seems much more to the subject of food than that. For a zestful, tasteful change has lately taken place. As sport has become an increasing part of contemporary living, its connection with other aspects of the new life has grown closer. One aspect, easy to recognize, is good eating. Frequently today it's not easy to tell when the well-prepared picnic ends and the game begins. Every golf course has 19 holes. And dinner at the lodge after skiing has added conviviality when the fare is fine.
To make it finer and report its present excellence, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED recently initiated a weekly feature. It is dedicated to the proposition that good food and good sports go together. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED has already served up, along this line, quail, steak, lobster and venison at their toothsome best.
This week the specialty is the always seasonable and seasoned chicken curry. It lets me make another important point about our new department. The significance of curry in sport, so far as I know, is small. In this case the recipe happens to come from a man who is foremost a chef and formerly a cycling champion. But it appears in these pages because it's good to eat; it helps to make a sportsman's life more enjoyable than it already is.
Head chef for SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, and writer of the weekly column, is Mary Frost Mabon, whose reputation as editor and author of articles and books on food is nationally eminent. Her picture-taking colleague is Louise Dahl-Wolfe, one of the world's great photographers, who gladly admits to having spent as much time over a stove as behind a camera.
Their headquarters are located in Mrs. Dahl-Wolfe's studio in mid-town Manhattan. It has a kitchen, in which the recipes you will find in SPORTS ILLUSTRATED are tested, tasted and, when they call for it, toasted. In the picture above you see our sisters of the skillet at their enviable and savory work.