MEMO from the publisher
Among the merriest Christmas wishes we received were some from Mrs. F. E. Acker, who wrote us from Chicago:
"My husband was captain of his high school and college (Drake '55) football teams and though I saw him play I never could understand the game or what he was doing. Active sports left me cold, mostly because I didn't know their rules and also because I considered myself too frail for such things. All this was before my husband subscribed to SPORTS ILLUSTRATED. We are fairly good bridge players now, thanks to the articles by Mr. Goren but, more amazing, I have started participating in a few active sports.
"My husband and I went skiing up in the Sierras near Sacramento. It was my first time so I was a little uneasy. I did manage to go up and down a few small bumps without a mishap. Then I got quite brave and hung onto the ski tow that borders the beginners' hill. I was following my husband up this thing and when I reached the top I let go but forgot to step aside. I slid, in a crouched position, backwards all the way down to the bottom, 500 feet away. It was very embarrassing and it seemed hundreds of people were watching me as I skidded to a stop which resulted in the biggest bruise I've ever had. I took courage and did get up the hill again and ski most of the way down. I was glad to see you have started a series on skiing. It will be a big help.
"I used to think the best part of playing golf was pulling the cart and washing the balls in the little boxes. That was before I started reading your TIPS FROM THE TOP and took up the game myself. I had played nine holes about five times but never 18 all at once when my husband and I entered a tournament. He wouldn't play with me, as he didn't think I was good enough yet, so he took another partner and I ended up with her husband. It was a Scotch tournament where the woman takes a swing and then the man. This goes on until you complete 18 holes. My partner and I held up the whole tournament, as neither of us was too hot. But we did have a lot of fun. We finished with a 133, but they threw out 6½ holes, so we ended up with a 73 and won the tournament. My husband and his partner had a 79.
"I thought this would please you.
"Merry Christmas."
Please us it certainly does. And with this kind of gift for success in sport it seems superfluous to wish you a happy New Year. But we do, Mrs. Acker, most heartily!