March 14, 1960 Table Of Contents
Jimmy Jemail's Hotbox
THE QUESTION: Who has the best shot in the National Hockey League?
By Jimmy Jemail
Basketball's Week
By Mervin Hyman
Coming Events
COMING EVENTS March 11 to March 17
Tompion belied his reputation for eccentricity as he won the Santa Anita Derby, but Flow Line lived up to his
A tough little Australian named Al Lawrence, who broke four U.S. distance records in one race last week, is flying back home to show his countrymen how he does it
By Tex Maule
Gun Dogs
In two classic field events the nation's top bird dogs proved to record galleries of spectators that even bad weather cannot discourage champions
Wonderful World Of Sport
Events & Discoveries
Nation's Best
Basketball's title tournament begins, and the goal is San Francisco's Cow Palace
By Jeremiah Tax
Overmatched, the NBA concedes to Archie
Light Heavy Champ Moore, with aid from his corner, wins back the undisputed title
By Martin Kane
Alleys have become lanes, and a strong appeal to the family trade has made bowling a $1 billion industry
Others have the reputation, but the Giants, year in and year out, make the best trades
This dessert by a great Swedish restaurateur provides a flaming climax to a dinner party
Ski Tip
Stag Party
A diplomat-sportsman accepts an invitation from Mr. K to go hunting in the Crimea
19th Hole: The Readers Take Over
19TH HOLE: The readers take over
Pat On The Back
'As it should be played'