Mary Sherar, a freshman at Yakima Valley Junior College, Yakima, Wash., gave the boys some tennis lessons. In state's junior college championships she beat them for the men's singles, also won the women's singles, doubles and mixed doubles.
Bob Hiland, Indianapolis rug dealer with a sharpshooter's eye, fired his way to 20-gauge championship in Kentucky Blue Grass Open Skeet Shoot in Louisville by shattering 175 targets without a miss, teamed with Donald Dodd for two-man title.
Jeanie Butler, an eighth-grade A student from Harlingen, Texas, who at 13 already plays golf in the 70s, gave evidence she will provide stiff competition this summer in national junior and amateur matches by reaching semifinals in Texas women's amateur.
Mel Renfro, Portland, Ore. high school student, collected 32½ points at state track meet and personally outscored every team except one. Renfro broad-jumped 24 feet 1¼, inches for state record, won high, low hurdles, ran on winning half-mile relay team.
Brian Basacker, 9, of Sonora, Calif., collected $300 when his frog, Tule Pete, leaped 13 feet 2½ inches in international jumping frog contest at Angels Camp, Calif. where Mark Twain immortalized jumping frogs. His brother Tommy, 7, won second place.
Buddy Fowlkes, Atlanta businessman, struck blow for aging athletes. A ripe 32, Fowlkes showed up his young track and field competitors by running 100-yard dash in 9.5 for Georgia AAU record, placing second in 220, fourth in broad jump.