Mike Slyziuk, Ukrainian-born filling station operator, led Detroit Curling Club to five victories and first place in club's 75th International Bonspiel, declared: "I've played many sports but this has them all beat for pressure. I'm worn out."
Giuliana Minuzzo-Chenal, Italy's "Little Flying Mother," announced her withdrawal from competitive skiing but entered Grindlewald, Switzerland meet at her daughters' insistence, twisted through a 54-gate course to win special slalom.
Dave Volk, Baltimore cab driver who is the nation's sixth-ranked duckpin bowler, smashed two world records with a 10-game score of 1,490 and a 30-game total of 4,167, made a slick string of spares to win the 36th annual evening Sun championship.
Louis Russo, 16-year-old senior at Taft H.S., The Bronx, dubbed "Rabbit" for his fast, unflagging brand of handball, survived a tough semifinal match, went on to whip Marine Ed Banck, 21-10, 21-12, for National Junior title; at Aurora, Ill.
Denis M. Glaccum, of South Orange, N.J., Fairleigh Dickinson student in his first year of competition in combined training events, scored 179 points on aged black gelding Kilkerry, was named Horse Trials Rider of the Year by U.S. Combined Training Assn.
Finn Flugeim, 24, of Kongsberg, Norway, a Montana State College junior majoring in electrical engineering and a skier since age 5, captured jumping event at Wyoming intercollegiate ski meet to help MSC upset U. of Colorado's NCAA champions.