Ingrid Simonson, 14, of Yakima, Wash. won the downhill and giant slalom (in 1:19.6 and 1:08.5 respectively) in Junior National Alpine ski championships at Kingfield, Me., finished second in the slalom in 1:23.4—3/10 second behind Sandy Shell-worth of Boise, Idaho.
Roger Reiman of Kewanee, Ill. won the American Motorcycle Association's 200-mile national experts' race at Daytona Beach, Fla., averaged 69.25 mph over road course on his Harley-Davidson, finished 35 seconds ahead of Donald Burnett of Danvers, Mass.
Dottie O'Neil of Norwich, Conn. won the Women's Middle Atlantic badminton championship at Philadelphia by ousting Defending Champion McGregor Stewart of Baltimore 3-11, 11-6, 11-7, regained the title that she had relinquished in 1960.
Dr. Frank Crealock skipped his Seattle four-man rink to victory in U.S. men's curling championship at Grand Forks, N.D., defeating the H. Douglas McNabb rink of San Francisco 10-4 in the finals, finishing four-day meet with a 6-2 won-lost record.
Bob Kovalski, basketball center at tiny (53 boys) Smith Academy in Hatfield, Mass., led team to Western Massachusetts schoolboy title for second straight year (against schools with enrollments up to 2,500), was top New England scorer with 38.2 average.
Dick Blick of Bakersfield, Calif., Olympic gold medalist, won 100-yard freestyle swim in 50.7 (tying National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics record), 200-yard in 2:04.4 and 440-yard in 4:33.9 (setting NAIA records) in NAIA swim meet at Detroit.