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With players like Penn State's Bob Mitinger staying at home these days, the top teams on the North Atlantic seaboard will rank with the very best in the country

A proud down-Easterner summed up the Yankee spirit not long ago. "We're an independent people," he said. "If somebody steps on us we squirm."

The squirming in several isolated pockets in the East, where they play football as though they think they are Midwesterners or Southerners, has become so violent lately that it amounts to something of an upheaval. It is not only that Syracuse, generally acclaimed as the nation's best team two years ago, may be better than it was then. Syracuse stands a very good chance of being taken apart by Penn State. Pittsburgh hasn't got quite the number of players it needs—and it has more of a schedule than any team should have to handle—but it is good. And so are Army and Navy and, a bit down the scale, Boston College, Holy Cross and Boston University.

Even the Ivy League schools, popularly but not properly sneered at as impotent sons of a lusty heritage, are polished operators in November, once they have caught up with the spring trainers. How many teams can say, honestly, that they would have beaten Yale at the end of last season? A few, but not many.

There probably are more who can beat Yale this year, although that is not certain. While 10 of the 11 starters from last year's team have graduated, the Elis have so many other excellent players coming along that they may feel the loss only during the early weeks of the season. They will, however, meet stronger opposition within their own Ivy League than they did in 1960. Cornell, with an enthusiastic new coach in Tom Harp, a former Army assistant, and a talented backfield, is prepared to make a bold, and, it hopes, successful bid for the championship. Penn is another serious challenger. The Quakers have had a full year to absorb Coach John Stiegman's single wing, and with Porter Shreve, one of the most accomplished tailbacks in the country, running the offense, they should be greatly improved in both knowledge and ability.

Good—but changed anyway

All this activity does not, particularly, represent a resurgence in eastern football. It never really got-that bad. There has been a subtle change in emphasis, though, as if a lot of different people all at the same time told themselves they were as good as the other sections, and set busily to work proving the point.

One indication that this may indeed be the case comes from the players themselves. Until recently, great numbers of them, especially those from Pennsylvania, where the supply seems to be as abundant as the coal, went away to school in the Big Ten, the Deep South and even the West. A majority of them still do, but these days a fairer share are staying at home.

Bob Mitinger (pictured at the left outside Penn State's Old Main) is one who did, and Coach Rip Engle couldn't be more pleased. Mitinger (accented, appropriately, on the first syllable, might) is a 215-pound, 6-foot-2 end who tackles so savagely that sometimes his own teammates wince when he clashes head on with an opposing ball carrier.

Mitinger comes from Greensburg, Pa., a small town of 17,383 near Pittsburgh. He also comes from a football family. His father, Bob Sr., played guard for Jock Sutherland's Lafayette teams in the 1920s; brother Joe, a guard and tackle, captained the 1952 Yale team; and Uncle Charley Berry, the American League umpire, was an All-America end at Lafayette in 1924.

The early Bob

Young Bob himself started knocking people down as a 9-year-old guard in Greensburg's midget league. High School Coach Bobby Williams made him an end, and he responded by winning a place on the all-Western Pennsylvania team. He also ran the 220, tossed the discus and, growing heftier by the year, kept opponents honest (i.e., scared stiff) on the basketball court. "I was what you would call a hatchet man," he says now. He still is, but on a football field.

More than 25 schools—Mitinger forgets the number—offered him scholarships. It may be significant that he chose Penn State only after he was assured that football players there were not considered animals by the other students. A political science major, he plans to follow his father and brother into law and eventually add another Mitinger to the Greensburg firm of Mitinger, Mitinger, Mitinger and Beck ("He just happened to be a good friend," says Mitinger). In the meantime he wants to play football, all the football he can get in his remaining year in college and next year, hopefully, with the pros.

If Mitinger's offensive statistics are not impressive, it is largely because Penn State has preferred to take advantage of his deadly blocking and rest him for his vicious role on defense. In two years he has caught only seven passes for 160 yards and two touchdowns, but one of them, a leaping end-zone catch, helped beat Pitt last season. This year Penn State expects to throw more often, and to Mitinger in particular.

For the eastern style of play, Coach Engle feels, Mitinger is almost perfect. "We get strong, heavy-legged, very rugged but not exceptionally fast players," Engle says. "Most of them are intelligent boys and we are better equipped for offense than for the kind of defense they play in the Southeastern Conference. We like to control the ball. A team with a player like Mitinger can hold it a long time, grinding out the yardage until the other team softens and we can run right over 'em."

Maybe the very best "runner-over" in college football this year is Syracuse's Ernie Davis, a tall, graceful halfback from Elmira, N.Y. Davis likes to wear Ivy League caps and tight-fitting Brooks Brothers suits around the campus, and he will go a mile away to avoid trouble off the football field. But on it he loves to hurl his 210 pounds against anyone not wearing the orange of Piety Hill. As a sophomore he ran for 686 yards, and last year, even while the Orangemen were so disappointing, piled up 877 yards, most of them with only a minimum of assistance from lethargic blockers.

Navy has John Hewitt of Belle Vernon, Pa., a quick, tough-minded guard who used to cut the way through opposing lines while leading Joe Bellino off on his exciting sprints. At Rutgers, there is Alex Kroll, a solidly packed 228-pound center-linebacker who happens also to be a candidate for Phi Beta Kappa. Kroll calls the defensive signals and is rarely ever fooled. Kroll played briefly at Yale as a sophomore, then left to enter the Army. After his discharge, he selected Rutgers as the place where he wanted to continue his studies as an English major (his specialty: Lawrence Durrell). Scarlet opponents have regretted his decision ever since.

The East, in fact, is more than holding its modest own. The mid-October meeting of Syracuse and Penn State at University Park will be one of the treats of the season, anywhere. The game might even become pivotal in the national rankings. The point, of course, is that the Yankee pride is still there, and when the Harvard and Yale grads converge on the Yale Bowl to get pleasantly sloshed on thermosed Martinis, you can lay your wagers now there will be nothing to squirm about.


Talent is rarely plentiful in the Little Three, but this year Coach Jim Ostendarp is counting his blessings—and eying a third straight title. Only four of last year's starters are gone, leaving behind a seasoned backfield, a solid line and some shiny sophomores. Quarterback Dave Lawrence, an accurate long-ball passer who completed 52 of 91 passes in 1960, and Steve Van Nort, a fullback who runs like a halfback (where he sometimes plays) and catches passes like an end, will keep the Lord Jeffs' unbalanced wing T moving along sharply. They will be amply protected by a strong line, which will play offense and defense, built around Tackle Paul Abodeely and Center Jim Aplington, a pair of 230-pounders, and flanked by 6-foot-5 End John Kiely, who knows how to use his height to snatch Lawrence's deep passes.

CONCLUSION: Amherst has enough of everything, but particularly balance, to keep atop the Little Three for another year.


Coach Dale Hall, a firm believer in fitting the system to the personnel, has made some pertinent changes in the Lonely End offense. Endowed with two junior quarterbacks who throw well and run even better, Hall will sprinkle his T with pass-run options to take advantage of the talents of Dick Eckert and Joe Blackgrove, who emerged from defensive obscurity in the spring. This should add zest to an attack which also has Fullback Al Rushatz, who rushed for 648 yards last year, and excellent pass receivers in Halfback George Kirschenbauer and Lonely Ends Bob Fuellhart and Paul Zmuida, who totaled 60 catches in '60. The Army line, tenacious but typically thin in depth, will get its drive from John Ellerson, a superb defender who plays the tight end; Dale Kuhns, a rousing tackle, and scrappy Linebacker Mike Casp.

CONCLUSION: Running quarterbacks will pep up the old Army game. The Cadets will rate with Penn State and Syracuse in the East.

Boston College

After two years of predatory failure, the Eagles have grown an impressive array of weapons to attack an ambitious schedule. Two seasoned and hefty lines, experienced backs and an exceptional passer arc reasons enough for optimism. Stubby George Van Cott, who completed half of his 70 passes for seven touchdowns last season, has three snatch-and-grab artists in Ends Joe Sikorski, Lou Kirouac and Art Graham. Halfbacks Jack McGann and John Janas and strong Fullback Harry Crump will lend adequate running support for Coach Ernie Hefferle's multiple T. In the line Tackles Dom Antonellis and Dan Sullivan weigh 270 and 240, respectively, and their subs are just as big. The middle, too, is secure, with Guards Don Gautreau (205) and Bill Byrne (225) and Center Tom Hall (215).

CONCLUSION: Deep and wide, the Eagles would be sure of success if they weren't taking on their toughest schedule in years.


The Terriers, who have been yipping harmlessly the last few seasons, may have some bite in them this fall. Lettermen (20) are available for every position except left tackle, and Coach Steve Sinko fairly beams when he contemplates his 220-pound starting line. Tackle Pete Perreault, a sturdy 235-pounder who enjoys pushing opponents around, Linebacker Billy DiLorenzo, a quick, smart 220-pounder, and George Lombardo, a 225-pound sophomore bruiser who will step in at left tackle, are the best. To pep up the Terriers' wing T, Sinko plans to have his speedy halfbacks, Hugh O'Flynn and Tom Prebola, throwing the ball, along with Tom Daubney and Roger Tremblay, who may push Quarterback Jack Farland to the bench. When the defense spreads, Fullback Roger Kielty will get yardage inside.

CONCLUSION: With a tough defense and a varied attack, BU will do better than last year—once it gets by Army and Penn State.


After two years with the sidesaddle T, Coach John McLaughry has sent it back to the stable and has resurrected the more conventional wing T instead. The absence of a center who can make the direct snap and a suitable tailback forced the change. That, and two losing seasons. Quarterback Jack Rohrbach, an accurate passer who set school records for passes (156) and completions (76) last year, will now have greater latitude. There are defensive worries, especially at linebacker and end, where the eligibility of All-Ivy Dick Laine, a superb defender who also caught 29 passes in 1960, depends upon a September makeup exam. Tackles Levi Trumbull and Bill Savicki, a 225-pounder, Guards Bob Auchy and Gary Graham and Center John Arata are adequate, but they need help and may not get it quickly enough from sophomores.

CONCLUSION: Rohrbach's passing will keep Ivy rivals nervous, but it won't be enough to lift the Bruins out of the second division.


Little All-America Quarterback Paul Terhes' superb passing and a magnificent defense earned the Lambert Cup for Bucknell last year. Terhes is gone, but Coach Bob Odell still has back most of the exacting defenders who limited the opposition to 933 yards rushing in nine games. There won't be much running through the right side, where Tackle Kirk Foulke and Guard Dick Orlowski, hardened 220-pounders, provide protection, or the other side, now that Guard Don Chaump, out with a broken leg last year, is back to help Tackle Tom Noteware. Since Doug Williams, the new quarterback, isn't expected to excite anyone with his passing, the Bisons will put greater emphasis on running. Here, too, they are well equipped. Halfbacks Ash Ditka and Ray Cosgrove can go around the line, and Fullback Ken Twiford through it.

CONCLUSION: The Bisons will miss Terhes' passing, but good runners and a punishing defense will keep them in the Mid-Atlantic race.


A team that lost two quarterbacks who, between them, completed 100 passes for 13 touchdowns last year could be expected to sing the blues. Not the ambitious Bulls. One reason is Gene Guerrie, a lean 6-foot junior who returns after a year of ineligibility. Guerrie can hit an end's fingertips at 60 yards, runs the option like a halfback and is ideal for Coach Dick Offenhamer's breezy, wide-open T attack. He will get plenty of help from a flock of swift halfbacks, headed by Ron Clayback, Roy Sommer and Bob Baker, and from Fullback Jack Valentic, shifted from halfback. The defense, which allowed 238 points in 1960, should be somewhat stiffer. Good sophomores will supply the depth needed to back up End Bill Selent, a slick pass catcher, bulky Centers Dick Hort and Lu Lodestro and agile Guard Jack Hartman.

CONCLUSION: Exciting offense will score for the Bulls, but the tackles must improve if the defense is to be significantly stronger.


Coach Alva Kelley is weary of hearing, "Good show, too bad we lost." Last year was typical. His team scored 158 points, but gave up 267 and lost seven times. Now the stress is on defense. But he will have to be patient. His only really strong linemen are Tackle Paul Jolie, Guard Stu Benedict and Linebacker Ken Kerr, who will be tried at offensive center. Kelley will have to wait for such promising sophomores as Biff Jones, Mike Kasprzak, Joe Laputka, Eric Orke, Doug Buchs and Mike Heffernan to mature to give him the angry young men he needs so badly up front. The Colgate offense is questionable, too. Quarterback Dan Keating is only a fair passer and runner, and the other backs—Clint Rappole, Dick Jackson and Tom Scull—aren't quite ready to master Colgate's free-and-easy multiple-T attack.

CONCLUSION: Colgate has a multitude of problems. It will be another year before the Chenango Valley rings with shouts of victory.


Coach Buff Donelli is beginning to have a less poisonous view of the Ivy League as Columbia nears football respectability. Last year the Lions came within one point (an 8-7 loss to Harvard) of a first-division finish. They could go even higher this season—if Tom Vasell, a precise passer and deft wing-T quarterback, stays healthy. Running support for Vasell's passing will be provided by experienced Halfbacks Tom Haggerty and Russ Warren and Fullback Tom O'Connor. There is one serious problem in the line, namely, the discovery of a replacement for End Bob Federspiel, who caught 20 passes in 1960. But the interior is solid enough, with Tackle Bob Asack, big, strong and mobile at 230 pounds, Center Lee Black, a rangy 215-pounder, and Guard Bill Campbell, a nervy little fellow who linebacks fiercely.

CONCLUSION: Vasell's passing and a strong interior line may give long-quiet Lion supporters something to roar about this year.


While Coach Bob Ingalls this year has a few problems, they aren't the kind that will keep old rivals up all night chuckling. They aren't in the line, for instance, where Ingalls has Bob Treat and John Contoulis, a pair of 260-pound tackles who can move despite their size. Nor at guard, where Fred Stackpole, at 206, and Fred Koury, at 211, are quick on offense and perceptive on defense. At the ends, perhaps, but with Tom Doty available for center, Ingalls has made versatile Dick Boudreau an end. The Huskies lack an experienced quarterback who can pass. That's the real problem—but it doesn't matter. The Uconns hardly ever throw the ball, not with junior Halfbacks Pete Barbarito, Dan Gervasi, Tony Magaletta and Gerry White, who rolled up 1,248 yards running from the wing T last year. They are only juniors.

CONCLUSION: The Uconns may lose a few games, but not to Yankee rivals, who will find their ground game and good defense too much.


Cornell's new look includes Coach Tom Harp, a former Army assistant, the Lonely End offense and Pete Gogolak, a field-goal kicker from Hungary. Harp inherited a good band of sophomores and some extremely efficient backs from Lefty James, his predecessor, and is understandably anxious to turn them loose. Quarterback Dave McKelvey, a deft ball handler and southpaw passer, and Halfbacks Marcy Tino and George Telesh, darting runners who have recovered from leg injuries, should make Cornell move. But they may be slowed by weaknesses in the line, especially at the tackles, where Ed Slisky and Bob Wasilewski have been moved over from guard and center. The picture is brighter at the ends and in the middle. Big Ken Hoffman fits neatly into the Lonely End spot, while the guards will protect the interior.

CONCLUSION: Last in 1960, Cornell could climb to the top of the Ivy League—if Harp can find the linemen to match his talented backs.


With every one of last year's starters gone, it will take all of Coach Bob Blackman's considerable ingenuity—and the best of an unbeaten freshman team—to save the Indians from extinction. The first task will be to find adequate replacements for Jack Kinderdine and Al Rozycki, the Ivy League's most potent one-two punch. Bill King, an untested junior, has first call on the quarterback spot in Blackman's tricky V formation, while Halfbacks John Krumme, Greg Cooke and chunky sophomore Chris Vancura will try to fill Rozycki's running shoes. Always a believer in a strong defense, Blackman is pleased with tough Ends Carl Funke and Dave Usher. He is also satisfied that two switches—Tackle Don McKinnon to center and Center Bill Tregaskis to guard—will make for a strong middle.

CONCLUSION: With only fair passing, Blackman will open up the V by using more wide plays. But the outlook at Hanover is somber.


Coach Dave Nelson, an astute strategist who developed and nurtured the wing T into national acceptance, was sufficiently aroused by his first losing season to change just about everything but his offense. Although 19 lettermen are back, Nelson has benched some of last year's regulars, made wholesale switches and turned to eager sophomores. Junior Tom Michaels, last year's leading scorer, moves to fullback and will team up with these sophs—Quarterback Chuck Zolak, an adequate passer, and fast Halfbacks Mike Brown and John Wallace. Tackle Bill Grossman is the only lineman who survived the shakeup. End Tom Skidmore goes to guard, Quarterback Barry Fetterman to end and Guard John Scholato to center. Two sophomores, 240-pound Tackle Dick Evers and Guard Don James, also move into the first line.

CONCLUSION: The Hens, inspired by new blood, will pass more, run faster and win again—if the defense doesn't take too long to learn.


"Little to Richter" will be a familiar refrain at Gettysburg as the Bullets, lacking strong running halfbacks, put all their offensive hopes in the Mid-Atlantic's most potent passing combination. Earl Little, a lean quarterback with a whipping arm, can pitch long and short, and most of his tosses are gathered in by End Harry Richter, who caught 26 passes last year. Sophomore Halfbacks Bob Wolfgang and Phil Pagsons could conceivably alter the situation, but they may not mature fast enough. The line is more settled, except at guard. Richter and Roger Gaeckler are fine ends, and Bill Sarvis and Tom Shreiner will do at the tackles. However, the middle men, Dick Wix and Garry Kerr, lack experience, and Coach Gene Haas may move one of his competent centers. Bob Duncan or Joe Wang, over a position.

CONCLUSION: All passing and no running will take the zing out of the Bullets, who will do as well as last year, which is not saying much.


Just when Coach John Yovicsin got used to the idea of doing without Quarterback Charlie Ravenel, he learned that Terry Bartolet, his best passer, had left school, and junior Halfback Hobie Armstrong, the team's leading rusher, was on probation. Since graduation riddled the defense, the Crimson is in pain all over. Ted Halaby, whose passing slips are obvious, will start at quarterback in the flanker T, but sophomore Bill Humenuk, a daring option runner with some passing ability (he threw six scoring passes for the freshmen), or junior Chuck Kinney may move in quickly. The halfbacks, Tom Boone, Hank Hatch, Roy Williams and Chuck Taylor, lack the fire needed for a good running game. The line is suspect, except for Bill Swinford, a rousing 185-pound guard, and Bob Boyda, an elusive end.

CONCLUSION: After three exciting years of Ravenel and solid lines, Harvard will have to learn to live with dull mediocrity.

Holy Cross

Dr. Eddie Anderson is almost certain to enjoy his 36th year of coaching. He has all the ingredients for a winner—fast, supple backs to run his multiple T and fierce linemen who think it's a crime to yield yardage. His quarterback, Pat McCarthy, throws well long or short and never hesitates to carry the ball himself. Last year he ran and passed for 1,220 yards, scoring 48 points. There is also Tom Hennessey, a halfback who returned 13 kickoffs for 401 yards in 1960, and the 221-pound starting line is solid. If Anderson has a problem, it is where to play Ken Desmarais, up to 228 pounds after sitting out a year for disciplinary reasons. Desmarais may lose his old center job to Jon Morris, a rough 220-pound sophomore. If so, he will team with John Timperio at guard, giving the Crusaders an awesome set of linebackers.

CONCLUSION: It will take considerable probing to find the weak spots in the Crusaders' armor, and McCarthy will make them exciting.


The Leopards are changing their spots. After a so-so year of the gaudy I formation, Coach Jim McConologue has installed the T with flankers in an effort to step up his attack. Twenty-two lettermen, including 10 backs, give him a good start, but the line needs some patching at the tackles. Ed Peterson and Bob Gursky head up a deep end squad, and the middle could turn out to be strong if Harvey Shapiro, a low-slung 210-pound junior center, develops fast enough to assist dependable Guards Pete Lehr and John Crist. With Halfback Charley Bartos gone, ex-soccer star Walt Doleschal, whose duties last year were mostly limited to spectacular quick-kicking and field-goal booting, will get a chance to run. However, the new offense will be only as good as its quarterback, and Mike Dill, the incumbent, will have to learn to pass.

CONCLUSION: The Leopards meet all the Mid-Atlantic toughies and will need a stauncher defense to equal 1960's fourth-place finish.


Sidetracked in their bid for Mid-Atlantic honors last year, the Engineers will be farther down a siding as a result of June graduations, which stripped them of five linemen. Fortunately, the best two—Tackles Reed Bohovich and Mike Semcheski—are still around. Bohovich, 245 pounds, and Semcheski, 215, both hit like fury. The rest of the line is doubtful. End Harold Milton, Guard Fred Schmidt and Center Charlie Craze, who formerly shuttled between end and guard, are the best of the newcomers. However, the backs are versatile enough to be dangerous in Coach Bill Leckonby's split-T. Quarterback Walt King can pass and run, Halfbacks Pat Clark and Ed Winchester have good outside speed and will throw on occasion, and Fullback Boyd Taylor, a shifty power runner, will keep opposition defense from spreading.

CONCLUSION: Lehigh's defense needs time to mobilize. It will get better but not soon enough to challenge strong Rutgers.


The Black Bears, as usual, will be trying to make ends meet in two conferences—the Yankee and the Maine Intercollegiate. With 16 lettermen back, they have a good chance to push Connecticut and Massachusetts in the Yankee and a better chance against the in-staters. Wayne Champeon, the All-Yankee halfback, is gone, but Halfback Dave Cloutier, a galloping runner who has recovered from last year's injuries, and Quarterback Manch Wheeler, who passes reasonably well, should make Coach Hal Westerman's wing T work. The line, however, could be bigger and there could be more of it. Lacking an experienced center, Westerman will shift one of his guards to the middle. There are enough ends to cover the flanks adequately, but the tackles—Ed Reidman and Walt Beaulieu—could stand some help.

CONCLUSION: In 10 years at Maine Westerman has never been under .500. Despite some soft spots, the Bears will keep his record intact.


The Redmen have their third coach in as many years. Chuck Studley, who led them to their best season in 28 years and a tie with Connecticut for the Yankee championship, has moved on to Cincinnati, and now former Pitt aide Vic Fusia will try to keep the boom from collapsing. Fusia has retained the straight T but plans to make more use of flankers and an occasional split end. Much depends upon John McCormick , the big quarterback who loves to throw the ball but almost never runs. If McCormick's passing can spread the defense, Ken Kezer, a wispy fellow who sprinted for 408 yards and six touchdowns last year, and Fred Lewis, a 205-pound sophomore who does the 100 in 9.9, will do the rest. Ahead of them is a small but stout line, headed by end Paul Majeski, Tackles Bob Foote and Tom Brophy.

CONCLUSION: The defense is tight and the Redmen have more offense, but a tougher schedule may keep them from equaling 1960's record.


The Mules, a stubborn lot last year, gave ground grudgingly, scored 222 points and won six games. But this June, with the graduation of Backs Merle Wolfe and Ed Yost, who scored 98 points between them, and six starting linemen, they lost a lot of their wallop. Still, not all is gray and mist for Coach Ray Whispell. Quarterback Rollie Houseknecht, who passed for 676 yards and seven scores, and Halfback Charlie Kuntzleman, whose powerful legs carried him to 638 yards and 10 touchdowns, will lend substance to the attack. The defense is more worrisome. Guard Cliff Roth is back, but Tony Yankowsky, a 250-pound sophomore tackle, and Ends Don Waggoner and Bill Cooperman, Tackle Sam Beidleman, Guard Ron Barlok and Center Ken Stauffer, all former reserves, will have to learn while they play.

CONCLUSION: With four Mid-Atlantic teams scheduled now, the Mules are eligible for the conference title—but they won't come close.


The taut ship that carried Navy to the Orange Bowl last year came apart at graduation. Joe Bellino, everybody's all-everything, is just a wistful memory, the backfield was swept clean, and only two starters remain—John Hewitt, the sharp-blocking little guard, and Steve Hoy, moved from guard to center. Fortunately, some able-bodied seamen are still available. Greg Mather, the place-kicking end. Tackles Ron Testa and Larry Graham and Guard Vern Von Sydow should make the line respectable enough. But the Middie backfield will be grass-green, and Coach Wayne Hardin will have to rely on more T trickery than before. Quarterback Ron Klemick was third string last year. Jim Stewart and Carl Fink, up from the jayvees, are slated for the halfbacks, Ron Bell or sophomore Nick Markoff for fullback.

CONCLUSION: Weaker all around, Navy will be sailing in rough waters until the new hands get their bearings—probably in time for Army.


Despite heavy losses in the line, there is restrained optimism at Durham. The reasons: 17 returning lettermen and Bo Dickson, a stubby quarterback who doesn't look like much until he cocks his arm and throws. Last year he completed 45 of 75 passes for 494 yards and eight touchdowns. This season he will have running support from Halfback Dick Mezquita, a quick, loping runner who led the Yankee Conference in rushing in 1960, Halfback Jim Edgerly, who is the team's top returning scorer, and Ed Mullen who, although small (5 feet 9, 174 pounds) for a fullback, has the speed to get away on traps and sweeps. The drawback to all this is the line. Coach Chief Boston is satisfied with Guards Ed Cramer and Paul D'Allesandro and Tackle Bob Weeks, but must find replacements at end, tackle and guard.

CONCLUSION: Passing and fast backs may trouble Yankee foes, but the questionable defense will dampen exuberant hopes.


After a get-acquainted year, the Quakers should be familiar enough with Coach John Stiegman's flexible single wing to become an Ivy League contender. Certainly there is enough offense. Porter Shreve, a tailback, passes righty, kicks lefty and runs either way, and sophomore Johnny Owens is a breakaway sprinter who flows like a restless wind. Fullback Pete McCarthy and Wingback Mike Ruggieri, who switched jobs, and rugged blocker Dick Moyer also will help. However, Stiegman will need taller men on defense or he will run the risk of being passed over. The line will be sturdy from tackle to tackle, with such bold blockers as 200-pound Bob Earnest, shifted from guard to tackle, Guard Mike Natale and Tackle Mike Branca opening the holes. Ron Allshouse is the only experienced end.

CONCLUSION: The defense needs some help, but strategic use of the wild card and a varied attack will put Penn in the Ivy race.


There is a revealing sign in Coach Rip Engle's office which reads, "Toughness is a quality of the mind; without it physical development is a mockery." With enough well-developed physiques around, Engle can afford to concentrate on mental attitudes. Ends Bob Mitinger (215) and Dave Robinson (220) are savage blockers and zealous defenders, and it will take a lot to budge Tackles Jim Smith (230) and Charlie Sieminski (240), Guards Joe Blasenstein (200) and Harrison Rosdahl (230) and Center Jay Huffman (205). If Roger Kochman, sound again after a knee operation, can recover the tremendous speed of his sophomore year, State will have the outside threat it needs to go with the inside bursts of Halfbacks Don Jonas and Al Gursky and Fullback Dave Hayes and the precise passing of Quarterback Galen Hall.

CONCLUSION: Two sizable units, a more varied attack and Engle's cunning will have the Lions battling Syracuse for the best in the East.


Coach Johnny Michelosen doesn't exactly bubble over with optimism when he scans the usual terrifying Pitt schedule. But he isn't crying either. He has enough large bodies to wage the big battles. The Panther defense will be as taut as ever, with Guards Larry Vignali, a 218-pound terrorist, and Regis Coustillac, Tackle Gary Kaltenbach and Center Andy Kuzneski furnishing most of the brawn. However, lack of backfield speed will make the wing-T attack ordinary and Pitt must rely upon Quarterback Jim Traficant's passing to spread the defense so Halfbacks Fred Cox and Bob Clemens can slip through the line. With luck, more offensive zip may come from sophomores—Quarterback Paul Martha, a precocious youngster who can run as well as pass, and Fullback Rick Leeson, a power runner with good breakaway speed.

CONCLUSION: Despite Pitt's stout defense, that schedule is bound to take its toll. The Panthers may have to struggle to break even.


This year's Tigers are actually Tiger cubs. Hugh Scott and Jack Sullivan, the talented alternating tailbacks who put the zing in last year's single wing, are gone, along with 17 other lettermen. Coach Dick Colman will have to develop tackles, centers, tailbacks and fullbacks. Fortunately, the ends are secure, with Hank Large manning the long side and Barry Schuman, a stringbean pass snatcher, on the short side. Ed Weihenmayer and Tim Callard provide quality at the guards, as Russ Tornrose and Bob Keyes were expected to do at tackle and center before they became academically ineligible. The attack, which depends so heavily on a sure-footed tailback, will have to get its momentum from Greg Riley and untested sophomores. Wingback Dan Terpack can scamper on the deep reverses that Colman dotes on.

CONCLUSION: The Tigers need time to learn fundamentals. They will be passive in October, more formidable in November.


Herb Maack, who coached the Rams for the past five years, has retired to the calm of the classroom, leaving his former worries to his assistant, John Chironna. And just in time, too. The freshman crop was sparse, there is not a good passing quarterback anywhere within hurling distance, and for little Rhody the Yankee Conference is as rough as ever. The only bright spots are in the interior line. Chironna can fill the tackles to overflowing with Alan Arbuse (240 pounds), Marvin Glaubach (225) and Tony Bruno (220), and the middle appears safe with Center Phil Saulnier flanked by Guards Bob Matje and Charlie Scarpulla. End Len Thompson, an eye catcher, might become a pass catcher, too, if he had someone to throw to him. Halfback Frank Kapusinky, the team's only reliable runner, is most of the attack.

CONCLUSION: With their sure defense negated by a doubtful offense, the Rams are certain to spend 1961 being butted around.


This will be Rutgers' last year in the Middle Atlantic Conference. Now that they have learned to win, the Scarlet Knights will be foraging in more rewarding pastures next season. Starting with 228-pound Center Alex Kroll, a savagely hitting, brainy linebacker, Rutgers has big, agile linemen who are as good on offense as they are in Coach Johnny Bateman's stunting multiple defenses. If there is a weakness, it is in the depth behind starting Tackles Tony Simonelli and Tom Tappen and Guards Addison Bradley and Bob Harrison (who leads the sweeps). The backfield is even richer in operatives. Quarterbacks Bill Speranza and Sam Mudie (who may move to halfback) can throw and roll out; Halfbacks Bill Thompson and Pierce Frauenheim are slick, artful runners, and Fullback Steve Simms is an effective line buster.

CONCLUSION: The material is here for a bigger league. Dearer and older Rutgers should win the Mid-Atlantic title easily in its last year.


There was weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth on Piety Hill last fall when the Orangemen, horribly, lost two games. These frightful losses jolted Coach Ben Schwartzwalder into adding the slot T to his attack to give Ernie Davis, the slickest-running halfback in the nation, more opportunities to slip into the clear. Quarterback Dave Sarette appears to have regained his passing touch, and behind him is 6-foot-3 sophomore Walt Sofsian, an adroit faker and passer. Despite severe losses, Syracuse may be stronger than ever in the line. Ends Ken Ericson and Walt Sweeney and outside Tackle John Brown are back; Henry Huettner, a blocky 230-pound sophomore, is at center; Halfback John Mackey has been moved to end, Guard Dick Feidler to inside tackle, and Tackles Dave Meggyesy and George Francovich to the guards.

CONCLUSION: A retooled offense, Davis' magnificent running and a 223-pound line will restore the Orangemen to the nation's top ranks.


The Owls snapped a 21-game losing streak in last year's opener. They won only one other—game, but came close in three more, signaling that Coach George Makris was on the right track. The signals this fall—22 lettermen, backed up by excellent sophomores—are even-more impressive. More experience and two shifts, John McGinley from quarterback to end and Dick Gable from center to guard, will stiffen a defense which already has John McShane, a 220-pound center, and Tackle Bill Lites. Makris' unbalanced T will get all the spark it needs from Halfbacks Tom Stricker and Don Council (a swifty who can pick his way through the tiniest openings) and Fullback Ernie Wayland. However, Quarterback Bill Grubb, who has trouble finding his receivers, may give way to sophomore Joe Morelli.

CONCLUSION: Improved all around, the brighter-eyed Owls will pounce on at least a few of their old Mid-Atlantic tormentors.


Give Coach Dan Jessee a football and a handful of spirited players with a modicum of skill and he will usually come up with a winning team. In his 30th year at Trinity he again has the ingredients for a successful season. But the Bantams will have to travel mostly overland to their wins now that Tony Sanders, the hard-throwing passer, is gone. Swift Halfbacks John Szumczyk, who rushed for 646 yards in 1960, and Thorn Calabrese will dart and roll to the outside, and big Fullbacks Ken Cromwell and Bill Polk will handle the inside smashing. There may even be some passing if either junior Don Taylor or sophomore Doug Drynan can develop a pitching arm. However, except for Bill Fox, a fine center, and aggressive Ian Bennett, shifted from tackle to end, the line will be callow, especially at the guards and tackles.

CONCLUSION: Jessee has the backs to run with, and with passing Trinity will be devastating, but the defense could hurt badly.


A calm optimism prevails at Tufts. The ability is there and it merely requires Coach Harry Arlanson's deft touch to bring it out. Three-deep in backs, rich in hard-hitting tackles and adequate at the ends, the Jumbos are soft only in the middle. A few of the surplus tackles should take care of that. Dave Thompson, an agile 210-pounder who is fast enough to be a hurdler on the track team, is the best of them. Others are Carmine Parisi (250 pounds), Don Curtis (235), Virgil Aiello (220) and Steve Moore (197), who returns after a year's absence. The crushing ground game out of the Chicago Bear T will be led by Junior Ron Deveaux, a deceptively fast fullback who ran for eight touchdowns last year. Quarterback Dave Adzigian and Halfbacks Duncan MacDonald and George Kinnaly complete the backfield.

CONCLUSION: Linebacking is a problem, but the Jumbos' ball-control game should wear down any defense they are likely to meet.


This is the last year for the Catamounts to sharpen their claws before they assume a full Yankee Conference schedule. Ineligibilities and injuries upset the timetable in 1960, but losses have been minor and some fine sophomores are available to support 16 returning lettermen. With excellent running halfbacks in Maynard Ducatte, Bill Fleming and sophomore Tom Perras, Coach Ed Donnelly has switched Dom Parlato to quarterback. Service veteran Paul Grabowski and sophomore Leo Davin, a bulllike 220-pounder, lend depth at fullback. The line is sizable and well equipped to defend itself. Experienced Bob Stone and Royce Pollard, back after a year's absence, will man the tackles, while Guard Dave Sequist will team with Sophomore Merrill Thoresen to release Carleton Eck for a try at center.

CONCLUSION: Fast backs should stir up Donnelly's wing-T attack. Barring injuries, the Cats will do considerably better than last year.


Fumbles, slowness afoot and general ineptness tormented Coach Alex Bell in his first season at Villanova. Twenty-two lettermen are back, but they are the same players who lost eight games in 1960. However, Bell thinks that they have finally absorbed his double wing and slot T. The line, so leaky last year, has plenty of weight, especially at the tackles, which will be manned by Tom Kepner (235) and Charlie Johnson (222). End Sam Gruneisen and Guard Dick Ross, an agile defender with good speed, are other assets but the offense won't score often. Lacking a breakaway runner, the Wildcats will have to grind out their yardage. Unhappily, Quarterback Rich Richman's passing is just fair, and it will be up to Halfbacks Larry Glueck and Mike Pettine and Fullback Lou Rettino, a 218-pound line smasher, to move the ball.

CONCLUSION: The defense is tougher, the backs more experienced. But the race goes to the swift and the Wildcats are slow.


The Cardinals lost only two games in 1960, but one of them was to Amherst and it cost Wesleyan the Little Three title. Since then, Coach Norm Daniels has lost all but six of his letter-men through graduation. The situation, however, is not as discouraging as it would first appear. Daniels has some eager juniors, led by Guard Jim Dooney, a 200-pounder able and willing to push around bigger foes, and 210-pound Tackel Al Erda, and he has a rough 200-pound sophomore named Dave Ransom who may be moved from tackle to end. It is in the backfield that Daniels hurts most. He likes backs who can blast out of his unbalanced wing T. Unfortunately, Quarterback John Driscoll, Halfbacks Ken Longo and Jim Mattson and Fullback Dave Snyder tend to explode with the impact of damp firecrackers.

CONCLUSION: It looks like a good-field, no-noise year for Wesleyan. The line will hold its own, but the backs need time to dry out.


After two bad years, things are looking up in Williamstown, but not very far up. Lack of size and depth, the usual small-college complaint, is what ails Coach Len Watters, who has patiently learned to do a lot with a little. The Ephmen will improve on last year's Swiss cheese defense, especially when Choppy Rheinfrank, a vigorous 195-pound linebacker with a nose for being in the right spot at the right time, and Tackle John Bell, a 220-pound smasher, are in the game. And they will get help from Center Paul Hill and alternating Tackles Dan Crowley and Dick Tucker, a 215-pound sophomore. However, the attack needs spark. Quarterback Bruce Grinnell has only a moderate flair for passing, and it will be up to experienced Halfbacks Ash Edwards and John Newton and Fullback Woody Knight to move the ball.

CONCLUSION: Better than last year, especially up front where it counts, Williams still lacks a title-winning offense.


At first glance it would appear that the Elis are in for trouble after a magnificent unbeaten season in 1960. Ten of last year's starters have departed, but Coach Jordan Olivar is hopeful. For example, southpaw Quarterback Bill Leckonby can run the outside belly series even better than Tom Singleton and he can throw a good short pass if not an effective long one. Ted Hard is a punishing fullback and a couple of speedy sophomores, Stan Thomas and Dick Berk, are ready to help Connie Shimer at halfback. Except for Guard Paul Bursiek, the team's one returning starter and a bruising tackier, the line is in less sure hands, although the middle should be good. The outer edges are skimpy, but Ends Ruly Carpenter and Dick and Bob Jacunski, 6-foot-4 twin sons of End Coach Harry Jacunski, will get help from the sophomores.

CONCLUSION: Despite severe losses, t he Elisare still formidable. They might just take the Ivy title again—if Cornell doesn't beat them to it.
