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Harrison Merrill, strong-armed North-Carolina freshman, blazed through an evening swim meet at Chapel Hill to break three NCAA freshman records. Then, a week later, he broke one of his own marks to become a new Tarzan of the college pools.

Mrs. Steuart Tray, business secretary for a country club, swept the Wauwatosa (Wis.) Rink women's curling team to a national championship in St. Paul by making two points in the extra end to break a 17-17 tie with the Skokie (Ill.) Rink.

Harold Briley, high-scoring forward of the Evansville (Ind.) College basketball team, sank an 85-foot field goal in the last second of a game with Notre Dame. Evansville officials claimed a new national record, but Briley said, "So what, we lost."

Carole Wright, 23, of Brooklyn, a strong competitor on the eastern tennis circuit but unranked nationally, turned up at the national indoors at Brookline, Mass., and won the title for a second time. Left-handed Miss Wright was 1960 indoor champion.

L. L. (Red) Lewis, track and field coach of Howard County Junior College, Big Spring, Texas, was named the Texas Junior College Coach of the Year in Dallas after his team won the national junior-college track championship over 40 other schools at Big Spring.

Dale Cooper, 20-year-old from North Hollywood, Calif. and a sophomore at Michigan State, flipped for record score of 98.75 in still rings at the Big Ten gymnastic meet, as an awed rival coach humphed, "He's one of those Muscle Beach guys from the Coast."