? When werenumbers first used on football jerseys?
•Washington &Jefferson tried them in 1908, but the idea was quickly dropped and not pickedup again until Amos Alonzo Stagg numbered his University of Chicago team in agame against Wisconsin in 1913. Although this identification system pleasedboth the press and the spectators at the time, it wasn't widely adopted by themajor colleges until after World War I.
? Walter Camp'sfirst All-America selections were made in 1889, and for six years the playerschosen on his first teams played for one of four colleges: Harvard, Princeton,Yale and Pennsylvania. Who was the first "outsider" to make Camp's topeleven?
•QuarterbackClinton R. Wyckoff of Cornell was chosen in 1895.
? What player wasthe nation's scoring leader in 1912?
•Jim Thorpe,playing for Carlisle, made 198 points. He also scored the most touchdowns inthe country that year—25.
? Who holds therecord for the most points scored in his college career?
•Willie Heston, anAll-America halfback on the University of Michigan's famous"point-a-minute" team, amassed 465 points in four seasons(1901-1904).
? How many linemenhave won the Heisman Trophy since its inception in 1935?
•Only two. EndLarry Kelley of Yale won it in 1936 and Leon Hart of Notre Dame, also an end,took the award in 1949.
? Yale holds therecord for the longest team winning streak—48 games between 1885 and 1889. Whatcollege ranks second?
•Oklahoma cameclose to breaking Yale's long-standing record when it won 47 straight gamesbetween 1953 and 1957.