November 26, 1962 Table Of Contents
Children's winter clothes for outdoor play are modeled after the best adult ski wear
Will the Real 'Twelfth Man' Stand Up?
There have been several claimants to the honor, but no one really knows who leaped out of the stands and played briefly for Dartmouth in its 1935 game with Princeton
Bear's Bad Day
Reversing a national trend toward brutal football, Paul Bryant's Alabama played a hard and remarkably clean game against Georgia Tech—but lost it 7-6
By Morton Sharnik
Ancient Warrior
Looming triumphantly over the humbled figure of Archie Moore, down for the third and final time, is young Cassius Clay, whose insistent fists fulfilled his audacious boast that 'Moore must fall in four'
Bon Voyage
Three Girls
A covey of attractive young girls, whose riding styles are as different as their personalities, has brought a fresh wave of excitement to the autumn horse show circuit by competing often and successfully with the very best male equestrians from the U.S. and other lands
Army's Dietzel
Army's Paul Dietzel dispenses heartening phrases and develops winning football teams with equal facility as he prepares for the all-important Navy game
By Rex Lardner
For most of the year Nassau drowses under balmy skies. But for a fortnight in late fall—they call it Bahamas Speed Weeks, mon—unmuffled hell breaks loose, and so, Artist Marc Simont found, do some of the balmiest types around
Amateur Athletics
The AAU yields its sole control of track and field
Goaded by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, the Amateur Athletic Union and the NCAA resolved their principal differences—mostly on the side of the collegians
By Tex Maule
Pro Football
The sad case of the missing quarterback
Even by sorrowful Coach Mike Holovak's standards, things were going well for the Boston Patriots in the big game in Houston. Then Babe Parilli was hurt and the Oilers were in first place
By Tex Maule
Game to please a hungry President
Football's Week
By Mervin Hyman
Cursed Swamp
Abandoned to terror and mystery for years, the East Coast's Great Dismal Swamp is giving up its secrets as hunters and naturalists find it brimming with life and primeval beauty
By Jack Olsen
For The Record
A roundup of the sports information of the week
19th Hole: The Readers Take Over