Hans Wolf of Ozone Park, N.Y., pedaled out of a pack of 166 starters to win the 21st annual Tour of Somerville (N.J.) 50-mile bicycle race in the record time of l:59:43.9 and became the first cyclist in the U.S. to cover that distance in less than two hours.
Jack La Motta, 17, whose father, Jake, was world middleweight champion (1949-51), took up baseball instead of boxing and batted .422 this season—one of the best averages in Dade County—in leading his North Miami High School team to the Florida state title.
Bonnie Lewis of Standish, Me., rode a bus 150 miles to Bangor and won the broad jump, 100-yard dash and 50-yard hurdles in the Maine state girls' track meet; then she traveled home to reign as queen of her high school's junior prom that evening.
Patsy Anne Hitchens, who graduated this week from Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pa., where she majored in Spanish and was the top-ranked woman tennis player, won all of her senior matches in straight sets to give her team an unbeaten (7-0) season.
Warde B. Hutton Jr. of La Mesa, Calif., passed a grueling exam that included breaking boards with his forehead and stones with the sides of his hands to become the youngest American (17) to receive the Shodan 1st Degree Black Belt in Tang Soo Do (Korean) karate.
Herman Keiser Jr. of Barberton, Ohio, a high school junior and son of the 1946 Masters champion, paced the school's golf team to a 13-3 season with an average 39.8 for the nine-hole matches, and then helped lead his team to the Ohio state championship in Columbus.