May 10, 1965 Table Of Contents
A Little Game That Turned TV Loose on Sports
A hardened bass fisherman snaps up the pleasant lure of a book on flies
Roses For The Shoe
Babs Shoemaker came to the Kentucky Derby with a bushel of American Beauties on her head, in case her husband did not win any. It was a needless precaution. After a skillful ride on Lucky Debonair, Willie relaxed in the Jockey's Room—having won enough Kentucky roses to make a new hat for Babs
The Dodgers abandoned power hitting and bet their pennant chances on speed, pitching and Tommy Davis' bat. Last Saturday Davis broke his ankle (below) and Los Angeles dreams of success shattered with it
By Jack Mann
No man to pull punches when victory is at stake, Montreal Hockey Coach Toe Blake goaded the Canadiens to their 11th Stanley Cup championship by sheer cussedness and the diplomacy of a dock walloper
By Mark Kram
Two Girls
Two strictly feminine teen-agers from towns and backgrounds widely separated are proving that running for distance is not so un-American after all THIS IS THE WAY THE GIRLS GO
Caribbean Tennis
In return for a few hours on the tennis court, the 40 players on the Caribbean tour lead a life of late breakfasts, beach time and parties
By Frank Deford
The playing and the partying were loovly
Notre Dame's rugger boys, who didn't know a scrum-down from a loose-forward five years ago, scored with 15 seconds to go to win the Irish Challenge Cup, but plucky Toronto showed who was boss at the parties
By Rex Lardner
A young master with the old touch
Forbidding Land
Enduring men have brought abundance to the L.B.J. country of central Texas—birthland of the President. It is a stubborn place, but a country where there is dancing room for the human spirit and where it is still a virtue to own and work a piece of land
By Edwin Shrake
Baseball's Week
By Mark Mulvoy
For The Record
A roundup of the sports information of the week
19th Hole: The Readers Take Over