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HENRY R. LUCE: 1898-1967

Tributes to HenryR. Luce, who died last Tuesday, February 28, in Phoenix, are being read orheard everywhere. They justly emphasize his giant stature in the story ofjournalism in the 20th century and his impact on public affairs. But here wewould like to keep comment on a more modest plane, and on a more personalnote.

Fond as he was ofgolf and bridge, Harry Luce was not particularly addicted to sport or games,although he did once claim lightheartedly that, "Besides class football—avery serious proposition—I seriously engaged in the following: cricket, soccer,lacrosse, tennis, squash, golf, swimming, gymnastics, cross-country, yachting,croquet, riding, skeet shooting, bird shooting (quail, duck, pheasant, grouse,woodcock), animal shooting (deer), fishing (trout, bass, deep sea, and also one20-foot shark)."

Luce certainlywas far from casually concerned with the relationship between sport andjournalism, or with the place of sport in society. Of the latter he remarked,"There would not be tremendous interest and participation if sport did notcorrespond to some important elements—something deeply inherent—in the humanspirit." That was one conclusion that led him to start SPORTS ILLUSTRATED.Without Luce, of course, this magazine would never have existed, and withouthis continuing attention it would not have succeeded.

Because we arehuman, all of us here are first and foremost conscious of personal bereavement.Even those members of the staff who had little or no opportunity to know Lucefeel the disappearance of an individual whom neither our magazine nor our eracan easily afford to lose.

As for those ofus who worked with him for many years, this is a sad time. It is always hardwhen a friend goes. Memories crowd the mind, stabbing and hurting. But thosememories are warm with the knowledge of efforts shared and with gratitude foran inspiration that never flagge
Andre Leaguerre/Managing Editor