Maryetta Boitano, 5, of San Francisco, youngest of a running clan, finished 441st in a field of more than 900 entered in the Dipsea Run, a 6.8-mile race near the California coast. Maryetta, who runs three times a week, came in ahead of her father and mother.
David Harris, a 5'11", 175-pound halfback at Dayton's Wilbur Wright High School, had the kind of day football players dream about: he scored six touchdowns, rushed for 242 yards, ran for two two-point conversions and threw a 70-yard touchdown pass.
Robyn White, an 18-year-old Pontiac, Mich. secretary, whose dedication to roller skating included moving into an apartment over her local rink, won the Novice Ladies' Singles Championship of the U.S. Federation of Amateur Roller Skaters in Lincoln, Neb.
Charles Davis, a Hazard, Ky. Army sergeant and a sure-shot rabbit hunter, became the first man to win the Wimbledon and Leech trophies—symbolic of rifle supremacy—in the same season, at the National Long Range Rifle Matches, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Bert Smith, a Wantagh, Long Island Air Force sergeant who was home on leave and playing right field, hit 11 home runs and was voted MVP as he led the County Sports team of Levittown to the National Open Slow Pitch championship in East Meadow, N.Y.
June Methot of Lincroft, N.J. kept a cool head and a steady hand despite choppy seas and a strong northwest wind and won the Women's North American Sailing Championship in Bay Head, N.J. Miss Methot finished 8½ points ahead of Martha McDougle.