1. TEXAS (4-1-1)
2. ARKANSAS (5-1)
3. SMU (5-1)
Texas Tech scored 10 points the first two times it had the ball against SMU, but then, with Cotton Bowl visions dancing inside the helmets of the Red Raiders, the Mustangs came on like dreambusters. They scored twice within 10 seconds on passes by Chuck Hixson, on a 53-yard field goal by Bicky Lesser, on a safety and on another 53-yarder by Lesser—39 straight points in a 39-18 victory. Hixson, who leads the country in completions with 164 in 291 tries, hit his receivers with 29 out of 50 passes, connecting 11 times with Jerry Levias.
Unlike SMU, Texas is a running team, and with Chris Gilbert leading the overland assault, the Longhorns crunched out 440 yards and whipped Rice 38-14. Gilbert gained 213 yards to set an SWC career record of 2,729. Missed extra points and rugged defensive play helped Baylor and Arkansas to prevail. Baylor picked off three Texas A&M passes and three fumbles—the last on the Bears' 16 with 33 seconds to go—to win 10-9. Arkansas led 17-3 against North Texas State, then hung on to win 17-15 when the Eagles missed a PAT kick and later bobbled a pitchout on a two-point try. Bill Burnett ran for 185 yards and scored twice for the Razorbacks.
1. USC (5-0)
3. WYOMING (5-2)
USC Coach John McKay and his No. 1-ranked Trojans had a day off last Saturday, but USC's next four Pacific Eight opponents were all beginning to demonstrate the kind of strength that could upset the Trojans' plans for a rosy New Year's Day celebration. Oregon, for example, beat Utah 14-6 for its third straight, and USC must face the Ducks in Eugene this Saturday. California, with its best team in 10 years, smashed Syracuse 43-0. Oregon State, after its customary sputtering start, has now righted itself. OSU defeated Washington State 16-8.
Even UCLA, after three losses in a row, suddenly came alive. "We lack flamboyance," UCLA Coach Tommy Prothro had complained. "We don't have the verve, the dash and the drive. We don't have smoothness, audacity and the desire to dish out heavy punishment." It looked like yet another verveless afternoon for his Bruins when Stanford took a 14-0 lead but, all of a sudden, in the early minutes of the third quarter, UCLA at last began to exhibit some flamboyance. Quarterback Bill Bolden and Wingback Gwen Cooper teamed up on a 64-yard pass play for a touchdown. Minutes later, after a Stanford fumble on the UCLA 24, Fullback Rick Purdy went over from the one for another score. Both times, however, the Bruins tried to run for two extra points and failed, and Bill Shoemaker's 24-yard field goal put Stanford ahead 17-12 early in the fourth quarter. But now the Bruins showed some audacity, as Quarterback Jim Nader hurled a 50-yard pass to Split End Ron Copeland, who caught it in a crowd on the Stanford three. With 3:43 to go, Halfback Greg Jones bulled over for a touchdown and then ran for two extra points as UCLA won 20-17.
After six straight losses, New Mexico's Lobos figured that everything possible had already happened to them. Then Wyoming's Bob Jacobs kicked off into a 45-mile-per-hour wind that whistled northward across the bleak Laramie plains. The ball got caught in the gale and ended up drifting backward to the New Mexico 48, where Wyoming Linebacker Gene Sheahan grabbed it. From there the Cowboys went on to score, and eventually won 35-6. "It was a brilliant piece of strategy," explained Coach Lloyd Eaton.
That wasn't the only strange happening in the Western AC. Brigham Young, breezing along with a 22-point lead in the last quarter, lost to Texas-El Paso 31-25 when Brooks Dawson came off the bench to throw three touchdown passes and Jeff White ran two yards for another score with 30 seconds to go. That ruined the frosting on BYU's 25,000-pound homecoming cake.
Utah State showed little respect for West Texas State's Mercury Morris, the nation's leading rusher. The Aggies held him to 52 yards as they whipped West Texas 20-10.
1. OHIO STATE (5-0)
2. KANSAS (6-0)
3. PURDUE (5-1)
The night before the Notre Dame game, Michigan State's Duffy Daugherty had everybody laughing—as usual—when he told Irish Athletic Director Moose Krause that his Spartans might open the game with an onside kick. "But nobody takes me seriously," said Duffy with a sly grin. Sure enough, the Spartans tried an opening on-side kick, and recovered it on the Notre Dame 42. Not long after that, Tailback Tommy Love scored the first of his two touchdowns on an 11-yard run, and Michigan State went on to win 21-17 behind a stout defense led by combination Split End-Safetyman Al Brenner. The individual brilliance of Quarterback Terry Hanratty, who completed 27 of 43 passes for 312 yards and ran for 43 more, could not save Notre Dame.
Critics keep saying that teams can't win Big Ten championships or even Little Brown Jugs with little quarterbacks. Michigan's Dennis Brown, who claims to be 5'10" and 175 pounds, is a big exception to that old saw. Against Minnesota he directed the surprising Wolverines to scores six of the first seven times they had the ball, and led them to a 33-20 victory—plus the Little Brown Jug and a share of the Big Ten lead.
Ohio State, the other leader, had to fight to survive after holding a 24-0 lead. Illinois took a chapter out of Woody Hayes' book—the one about how to smash the fullback up the middle—and came roaring back to tie the score. It took a two-yard plunge by Jim Otis with 1:30 to go to save Ohio State's unbeaten record 31-24.
With Quarterback Mike Phipps disabled by an ankle injury, Purdue went back to old-fashioned football against Iowa. Leroy Keyes, though limping on his bad right ankle, piled up 185 yards as the landlocked Boilermakers won 44-14. Indiana, up to its old Katzenjammer tricks, went down to the last four minutes before Quarterback Harry Gonso passed to Jade Butcher for the touchdown that beat undefeated Arizona 16-13. Northwestern, after five weeks of bloodletting, found a team it could beat—Wisconsin, 13-10.
Kansas relaxed with a 39-3 lead over Iowa State, but they had to fight hard for a 46-25 win. Missouri had it easier, beating Kansas State 56-20, but Oklahoma, in over its head against Colorado, lost 41-27.
1. GEORGIA (5-0-1)
2. TENNESSEE (4-0-1)
3. LSU (5-1)
As if in a prelude to Halloween, Houston came up with a bagful of tricks as it treated itself to a 29-7 win over Mississippi, amassing 573 yards on offense and rolling up 29 first downs, the most ever allowed by a Rebel team. Trickiest of the Cougars was Paul Gipson, who romped for 210 yards. It was the worst loss in 15 years for the Rebels.
For the 16th season in a row Shug Jordan's Auburn team won its homecoming game, upsetting Miami 31-6. Quarterback Loran Carter and Tackle Dave Campbell reduced the Hurricanes to a whisper. Carter passed for 274 yards and three scores, while Campbell led the Tiger defense as it set a Southeastern Conference record by pushing back Miami to a total of minus 85 yards on the ground.
Georgia's fifth straight win was, so to speak, sewn up when Kentucky Quarterback Stan Forston underwent a midweek appendectomy. Sophomore Dave Bair filled in and he did pass twice to Dicky Lyons for touchdowns, once on a 92-yard play. Bulldog Safety Jake Scott, however, also caught two of Bair's throws for touchdowns en route to a 35-14 victory. In another SEC contest, Florida was tied by Vanderbilt 14-14 when the Commodores scored on a 33-yard pass from John Miller to Jim Cunningham in the fourth period.
Two other SEC teams—Alabama and LSU—narrowly won from outsiders. Alabama, in front 14-0 against Clemson, gave up two touchdowns, missed five field goals and finally pulled it out 21-14 on a fourth-period pass from Scott Hunter to George Ranager. With 5:25 left against TCU, 65,638 throaty LSU fans exerted all their lung power, but Mark Lumpkin of the Tigers knew the cheers were not for him. It was fourth-and-two on the TCU 29 with the score tied, and Tiger fans, aware of Lumpkin's field-goal misses earlier in the year, wanted a first down. But when Lumpkin booted a field goal he gave LSU a 10-7 win and earned some genuine cheers for himself.
Mississippi State lost 24-17 to Tampa, which rallied for two touchdowns, and Southern Mississippi fell to Memphis State 29-7. Florida State staved off South Carolina 35-28 when Bill Cappleman passed 16 yards to Ron Sellers for the fourth touchdown on which they collaborated.
Sophomore Quarterback Jack Williams, playing before a homecoming crowd in his home town of Atlanta, took over for Georgia Tech in the last two minutes, completed six passes in a row to beat Tulane 23-19. Another Tech—Virginia—stopped West Virginia 27-12.
North Carolina State disposed of Maryland 31-11 to pad its Atlantic Coast Conference lead. Wake Forest, winless in five games despite being outscored by a total of only 11 points piled up 632 yards in total offense in thrashing North Carolina 48-31.
Buster O'Brien ran for 213 yards, passed for 135 and guided Southern Conference leader Richmond to a 31-7 win over East Carolina.
1. PENN STATE (5-0)
2. ARMY (4-2)
3. YALE (5-0)
Before the Boston College game, Penn State's Joe Paterno was asked about BC Coach Joe Yukica, an old Penn State end. "I was his sophomore dorm counselor back in 1950," recalled Paterno. "I never thought then I'd be worrying about him beating me." That drew a laugh. After all, the Nittany Lions were unbeaten and ranked No. 4 while Boston College was just struggling to regain respectability. But late in the first half Penn State led only 3-0, mostly because Quarterback Chuck Burkhart had completed just one of his 11 passes. Then Ted Kwalick, the Lions" good tight end, began making Burkhart look good. He made a falling catch on the BC 31, then a diving grab in the end zone for a touchdown. Two more catches by Kwalick—the last one off his shoe tops—set up an 11-yard scoring run by Fullback Tom Cherry. Kwalick caught another pass for two extra points and Penn State led 17-0 at the half. After that the Lions' strong defense took over, and Penn State won easily 29-0.
Army, however, may be a tougher proposition for Penn State this week. The Cadets, apparently over their early season troubles and on their best behavior for visiting Gen. William C. Westmoreland, rolled across defenseless Duke 57-25 as Halfback Lynn Moore ran for four touchdowns. Fullback Chuck Jarvis scored twice, and Jim McCall ran back a pass interception 97 yards for a touchdown.
Pitt, beaten by Navy a week earlier, lost another war to a service academy. While the Air Force defense dropped Quarterback Dave Havern for losses nine times, sophomore speedboys Ernest Jennings and Curtis Martin ran the hapless Panthers dizzy. Jennings broke away on a 55-yard touchdown run and Martin scored twice, as the Falcons won 27-14. "We couldn't beat the Little Sisters of the Poor the way we played," said Coach Dave Hart in disgust.
Maybe the rest of the nation isn't impressed but, with the season half over, three of the country's eight unbeaten and untied teams—Yale, Harvard and Penn—are in the Ivy League. Yale beat Cornell 25-13 for its 13th straight as Quarterback Brian Dowling passed for three touchdowns. Harvard had little trouble defeating Dartmouth 22-7, while Penn, the biggest Ivy surprise of the season, upset Princeton 19-14. The ultimate test will come for the Quakers this week when they play Harvard at Cambridge.
Rutgers and Columbia got together in their annual free-scoring wingding, and Rutgers prevailed 28-17. Navy's one-game winning streak didn't last very long. The Middies lost to Virginia 24-0.
THE BACK: As a defensive safety, Al Brenner stole a Terry Hanratty throw and later tackled him on the Michigan State two to save a 21-17 win over Notre Dame. As a split end, he caught a pass to set up the winning score.
THE LINEMAN: Tackle Dave Campbell helped Auburn upset Miami 31-6 by singlehandedly bringing down Quarterback David Olivo seven times for losses totaling 59 yards, blocking a pass and getting in on eight other tackles.