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The new groove: knits that move

At first glance one might think that gymnast Jack Overpeck is putting people on when he works out on parallel bars in this showy costume. Not so. The clothes he is wearing are made of knit fabrics that are just as comfortable as gymnastic gear—if somewhat more surprising. His outfit and the others displayed here are examples of the newest innovation in menswear: tailored knits. Women have known for years that knot clothes fold and pack and travel better than any other febric. Now men are discovering the versatility of double knits, single knits, wool, cotton or polyester knits. Many of the garments are imported from Europe, but American firms are already onto the trend and by fall their mills will be humming.

Jack Overpeck's jacket is by Avagolf of Milan, his patterned slacks by Thomson. At upper left, Tracy Mills straddles the bars in a blazer from Carroll & Co. of Beverly Hills, a knit shirt from Hathaway and slacks from Day's. In the center picture he wears a vest suit by Ericson of Sweden. Michel Bonnemort works a cable set in an overcoat designed by Carlo Palazzi for Monsanto.