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8 Mets Go Bump in the Light of Day
Their ludicrous past behind them, the Mets lit into Wrigley Field, the Cubs and a torrid pennant race

12 Hard Sell for a Good Joe
Joe Namath agrees to abandon his bar and its unsavory clientele in order to play football again

14 A House Is Not a Hot Rod
But a home can hurry right along, as shown when a block of houseboats ran off the first championship race

18 We're Going to Win
That's the war cry of Vince Lombardi to Sonny Jurgensen and the rest of the Redskins

26 A Jog-In for Dear Life
Hordes of Americans, including Author Tex Maule, now run every day for fun and fitness

30 High above the Land of Light
An American team of amateur climbers attacks the Hindu Kush and reaches the top of Koh-i-Tundi

46 Le Grand Charles Slept Here
And after de Gaulle comes a deluge of tourists to Ireland to see the same sights and sleep in that same bed

The departments

6 Scorecard
38 Track & Field
40 Trotting
42 Baseball
58 For the Record
60 Baseball's Week
62 19th Hole

Credits on page 58

Cover photograph by Phillip Leonian















Next week

The all-stars, celebrating the 100th anniversary of pro baseball, do their thing for the President and nation. A report on the game and state of the sport by Mark Mulvoy.

An Indian war on poverty has meant victory—a fishy one—for the Apaches of Arizona. By stocking streams, they have lured sportsmen who gladly pay for a day's angling.

Death by inches came to the Green Bay Packers in 1968—and one of the old guard, Jerry Kramer, tells how it happened in an excerpt from his Farewell to Football.