Mrs. Sandy Elott, 63, of College Park, Ga., won her second Senior Women's National Field Archery Championship in two years, at Watkins Glen, N.Y. She had a 435 average for 28 field and hunter targets and a 472 score on animal targets the final day.
Jack Faunce, a student at Foothill JC, won the International Life Guard Championship in Santa Barbara, Calif., earning 24 points in such events as the fireman's carry sprint and the swim rescue race. Earlier he took a first and two seconds at a state swim meet.
Sandy Glafenhein, 10, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., who began swimming to correct an arch problem in her feet, won twice at a local meet, setting a U.S. age-group record in the 200-meter freestyle (2:27.2). She holds four such marks.
Vance Eberly, 10, of San Jose, Calif., took his 15-minute handicap and outran more than 1,200 competitors in the 6.8-mile cross-country run from Mill Valley, Calif. to Stinson Beach, coming in first with a time of 57:31. His mother and two sisters also run competitively.
Nancy Lopez, 12, of Roswell, N. Mex., won the state women's golf championship, defeating medalist Mary Bryan of Portales 10 and eight. Nancy's 75 on one round was only four strokes below the women's record on the University of New Mexico's course.
Dr. Raymond Lebel, who apparently handles his golf clubs as deftly as his dentist's drills, won his eighth straight Portland (Me.) Country Club championship. A seven and six final-match victory gave him his 14th PCC title in all. He has won the state amateur six times.