November 10, 1969 Table Of Contents
The bag is on ice when the hunt begins off Alaska's refrigerated Point Barrow
Canadian Black Hawks or All-American Eagles?
It is a simple fact of U.S. big-league hockey that all the best skaters come from Canada, but that fact did not discourage the owner of the Chicago team from trying to Americanize the game
The Oscar
In college football, the equivalent of the Academy Award is a small bronze halfback called the Heisman Trophy which goes to the outstanding player in the game. This year the race is especially close
By Dan Jenkins
In the hockey season's first test of its top teams, Boston blew into Montreal on a gust of tough talk—and stumbled out beneath a blizzard of Canadien goals as the resentful Habs poured it on.
By Gary Ronberg
Mother Hens
The Jet coach is really Weeb Ewbank, but few remember. The mother hens are the Jet pass blockers and they never forget they have to protect that good-looking chick with the white shoes
By Robert F. Jones
My Story: Part 3
A Year of Turmoil and Decision
The third NCAA championship was a breeze. Much more difficult problems were the black boycott of the Olympics, Lew's change of religious affiliation and his choice between the rival pro basketball leagues
By Lew Alcindor
College Football
No one in Tennessee has heard of Ohio State
Rooters of the unbeaten Volunteers have known all season that their team deserved to be No. 1. After last week's victory over rugged Georgia words to the contrary will mean war
Football's Week
Meanwhile back at the Coffield ranch...
A sumptuous oasis sits in the middle of the arid South Texas brush country, serving as a haven for rich but weary hunters who have spent a frustrating day chasing skittery blue quail across the thorny land
When you're down and out, don't lift up your head....
Instant ocean: it just keeps rolling along
A magic machine makes waves out where there has been no sea for eons—and surfers, like the girl at left, all come to see it and try it
The World Within
An out-of-practice caveman goes underground again and introduces some old highs to a brash new generation
By Bil Gilbert
For The Record
A roundup of the sports information of the week
19th Hole: The Readers Take Over
By Garry Valk