Chris Horpel, unbeaten in 36 matches in the 148-pound class, pinned 34 opponents this season for a national prep record in closing out his career at Newport Harbor (Calif.) High. He was named the California Interscholastic Federation's wrestler of the year.
Robbie Ftorek, a hockey forward for Needham (Mass.) High, scored five goals and added four assists in a tournament game against Wayland High, bringing his season point total to 101, highest ever in New England prep ranks, and his three-year mark to 256.
Andre McCarter, a 6'3" junior, received All-State honors for his role in leading Overbrook High School to the city basketball championship of Philadelphia. For Overbrook, the school that produced Wilt Chamberlain, it was the first title since 1959.
Eleanor Frost Snell, since 1931 women's field hockey coach at Ursinus College in Collegeville, Pa., and developer of five of this year's 11 All-Americas, is retiring after 38 straight winning seasons and a won-lost mark of 48-2-1 over the last eight years.
Danny Malm, 9, a participant in the Annandale, (Va.) Boys' Club Soccer League, scored 27 goals in eight contests and provided the catalyst for his team's 8-1 record and drive to the league's division championship. He was injured during the team's only loss.
Kent Paul, a 6'6" junior forward, made the All-Tournament team for the second time after sparking Heidelberg to its second straight American High School basketball championship in Frankfurt, Germany. Paul's 18.5 average proved the key in a 48-47 finals victory.