Wayne Carpenter, a policeman in Ogden, Utah, was chosen Most Valuable Offensive Player after rushing for 146 yards and one touchdown in leading his team to a 9-8 victory over the Salt Lake City Police Department in the first Pig Bowl football game.
Dick Aronson, from Tempe, Ariz. and a graduate of Colorado State University, was named the Rodeo Cowboys Association Rookie of the Year for his outstanding season as a calf roper and steer wrestler. During 1970 he won a total of $13,489 in prize money.
Mike Thomas of Greenville, Texas rushed for over 1,600 yards two years in a row, scoring 40 touchdowns on the ground and four more on pass receptions for the Greenville High football team. He is also an All-District basketball player.
Ron Gibson of Mendon, Mich., who became a trapshooter only 18 months ago, has won both the Michigan and U.S. junior titles. His two major triumphs came in the North American Clay Target Championships and the Grand American Trapshoot.
Earl Pinney, a senior cadet from Blooming-ton, Ill., was the individual winner as the United States Air Force Academy captured its third consecutive team title at the National Collegiate Parachuting Championships held in (and over) Deland, Fla.
Yusef Khan of Seattle scored two major upsets in capturing the Boston Open squash racquets championship. The unseeded Indian took three straight sets from national amateur champion Anil Nayar and the leading professional, Mohibullah Khan.