Steve Ciccalone, a sophomore at the Coast Guard Academy, tied an NCAA record when he kicked his 11th straight field goal, a 23-yarder in a 27-14 win over Case Western. Unhappily, his next attempt was a 43-yarder against Washington & Lee, and he missed.
David Pugsley, a ninth-grader at Eaglebrook School, Deer-field, Mass., co-captained the varsity soccer team to its first undefeated season in Eaglebrook's 50-year history by scoring 50 goals in 13 games. He has scored 78 goals in two years on the team.
Susie Maccari, 15 (left), of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., won the saddle-seat equitation medal class title at the American Royal Horse Show in Kansas City for her second major championship in a year. In 1970 she was saddle-seat winner at the National Horse Show. This year the NHS title went to her sister JUDY, 13, who became the youngest winner in the history of the event. It was the first time in 85 years that two sisters won titles two years in succession at the NHS. A third Maccari sister, 10-year-old Pamela, will compete for the title next year.
Walter Peacock, a senior halfback for Indianapolis Shortridge High, scored 60 points on nine touchdowns and three two-point conversion runs in an 84-0 win over cross-town Wood. He finished the 10-game season with 178 points and 1,243 yards rushing.
Craig Virgin, 16, a junior at Lebanon (Ill.) High, won the state cross-country meet in a course record time of 13:59.3 for three miles. He won all 23 races this year in course record limes and holds age-group records for the two-mile at 14 (9:32.0) and 15 (8:57.4).