30 Baseball's New Math
It embroiled three National League East teams as the other divisional champs waited impatiently for playoffs to begin
36 Purpling the Black and Blue
In a pulverizing game in a bruising division, the Vikings put the slug on the Packers
38 Bulgars, Britons and Bombers
They were all at the World Weightlifting Championships in Cuba, where the Russians sizzled and the U.S. fizzled
46 The Feeding Grounds of Summer
The giant tuna were there, all right. The problem was in getting them to sit still for their portraits
54 Eeginnprst Ejrry Aclsu
Jerry Lucas is his name and alphabetizing is his game, as well as playing a little baskets for the Knicks
80 Will the Real Drifter Please Suit Up?
Marty Robbins marches to two beats: the twang of good old country music and the slambang of stock cars
The departments
13 Scorecard
64 People
66 College Football
74 Lacrosse
78 Horse Racing
95 Baseball's Week
96 For the Record
99 19th Hole
Credits on page 96
Cover photograph by Heinz Kluetmeier
Next week
Lots of Hoopla is on tap as pro basketball gets set for its opening tap: a look at astonishing Tiny Archibald, scouting reports, and judgment calls on refs by Peter Carry.
Mr. Jack Nicklaus requests the pleasure of your company at his own tournament, the Ohio Kings Island Open, held on a course he himself helped design. Dan Jenkins accepts.
Choo Choo was a football folk hero of the 1940s and his reputation is still heroic. Ron Fimrite pays a nostalgic visit to Charlie Justice, the former North Carolina triple threat.