Curtis Davis, a flanker on the Louisiana (Mo.) High football team, averaged 12.7 yards per carry, caught 15 passes for 291 yards in his first six games this year. Against Macon, Davis ran for 143 yards and scored three touchdowns in the Bulldogs' 56-13 win.
Cindy Kirby, 19, of Ashland, Ore., rode six straight winners on the closing program of the 15-day Lone Oak horse racing meeting in Salem. An apprentice, she won the fifth through 10th races and finished with 25 winners in 73 mounts to earn the leading jockey title.
Warren Doyle, 23, a doctoral candidate from Shelton, Conn., hiked the 2,030 miles of the Appalachian Trail in 66½ days. He averaged 30.6 miles per day on the mountain footpath from Georgia to Maine and most days spent a little more than 15 hours walking.
Arthur Thompson, 103, of Victoria, British Columbia, who shot a round of 97 when he was 98 years old, plays golf three days a week at the Uplands Golf Club, never uses a cart and still takes lessons because, he says, "At my age I keep forgetting what to do."
Carrie Englert, 15, of Tallahassee, Fla., won the AAU girls' (ages 15 to 18) gymnastics championship in the Junior Olympics at Ann Arbor, Mich. A member of the Tallahassee Tumbling Tots since she was seven, Carrie placed first in seven meets this season.
Terry Muck, 26, of Evanston, Ill., added the national YMCA handball championship to his U.S. Handball Association title. Muck won the YMCA finals against Steve August 8-21, 21-17, 21-16. Earlier, he beat Paul Haber in the USHA tournament 21-20, 21-19.