You've heard of Hammerin' Hank, but Willie really wields one. The Pirates' big Willie Stargell has taken to using a sledgehammer as a weighted bat while waiting his turn to hit. Stargell again proved himself a big man this month when he received the Roberto Clemente Humanitarian Award for his fund-raising activities for sickle cell anemia research and his service to baseball. Said Willie, "I would be willing to trade any award to see a suffering child know that there's a cure coming."
The cracked plastic trophy for the grossest 18-hole score in a Pittsburg (Calif.) Golf & Country Club tournament had to go to Frank Lombardo. You could understand how Lombardo might shoot a 154, since it was the first round of golf he ever played. But after scoring a hole in one on his 1st hole?
British tennis buffs had seen little of Model Angela Jay, but they saw a lot of her at a pre-tournament fashion show for the Cumberland Open. Her outfit, called the Brief 'n Blouse and designed by Slazengers, is supposed to "give tennis the swimsuit look" and, presumably, put more zip in the game. Although the stretch nylon bodysuit is not quite skintight, votes will now be taken as to whether Angela looks swimming in it.
Recently a mystery car had been appearing in the parking lot of the Miami Stadium, springtime home of the Baltimore Orioles, a lot reserved for newspapermen covering their games. Investigation disclosed that the car belonged to Mike Cuellar. Asked how he got the choice location, the southpaw pitcher said, "It's my spot. It had my name on the wall." An official checked and discovered that the sign that Mike was referring to read this way: The Cuban Star. "Who else is Cuban star on this club?" Cuellar asked. You suppose he really had to be told The Cuban Star also happens to be the name of a Miami newspaper?
Here's some relief for men tired of women-in-sports stories. A Montana State coed with the suitable name of Robin Lawyer started workouts for the MSU football team this month and went through the same conditioning drills as the men. "I did it to show the men that not all women are so fragile you can't touch them without them falling apart," Miss Lawyer said. However, after two days of non-contact work the walk-on candidate walked off. She said she didn't enjoy the 37 different workouts per practice—particularly the running up 10 flights of stairs routine. "The drills leave you with muscles that are screaming "Help me,' " she noted. "I felt I had been beaten like a stepchild." But she said her pride was not bruised, and she only regretted not having stayed long enough to try on shoulder pads. Said MSU Coach Sonny Holland, who had professed himself willing to give her a spot on the team, "I suspect that when contact was introduced, all the rest of the fun would have gone out of it."
Kitten Hayward, the Philadelphia middleweight, has finally admitted that he once knocked out a horse. It happened a couple of years ago when Hayward was putting Darlin', his part-palomino, through its paces before several admiring women. "The horse was acting up and spoiling Kitten's show," says Len Brady, a friend of Hayward's. "Kitten got so mad he hauled off and hit the horse a right-hand shot on the head. Believe it or not, the horse just buckled and dropped to its knees."
"Actually, Darlin' only dropped to one knee," Hayward says. "But I had to sell her after that. How would it have looked if people knew I owned a horse that couldn't take a punch?"
If Memphis is successful in its bid for a National Football League franchise, the name of the team might be either the Shafts or the Hound Dogs. Isaac Hayes and Elvis Presley, two of the city's leading citizens, have both expressed interest in owning a piece of the franchise. Appropriate cheers should be obvious—"Elevator, elevator, give them the shaft," and "Don't kick my dog around."
Cesar Cedeno, the Houston Astros' spectacular centerfielder, is a Saturday morning TV cartoon fan with a special love. "No matter what town we are in I have to get up at 7 a.m. to watch Bugs Bunny," Cesar says. "I wonder, at my age, if maybe my mind is behind me. I do go back to sleep at 7:30, but I never miss Bugs. I love it when he says, 'What's up, Doc?' " The Astros have got to stop feeding their hitters carrots to improve their eyesight.
Because Evangelist Bob Harrington had rented San Antonio's Convention Center Arena earlier, the Spurs and Pacers had to share the arena with him for the sixth game of their ABA playoff. It was a preacher's dream. Harrington delivered a 10-minute sermon at halftime and kept part of the basketball crowd for his crusade at which he announced "the clock is running out in the game of life."
Pedro Wolfmiller of Beardstown, Ill. is a determined golfer. While playing a recent round, his big toe began to hurt. He completed the 18 holes before removing his shoe to find the source of the pain, a discarded razor blade that had penetrated the sole. Thirteen stitches were needed to close the wound. Well, here is one golfer who wasn't crying Wolfmiller.