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46 A Recipe for Well-Poached Fish
Canada's new breed of professional salmon poachers are using nets, pitchforks, underwater spear guns, even dynamite to loot the waters of Quebec and New Brunswick. Wardens and cops are no match for the brazen "braconniers," while the local citizenry and politicians look the other way.
by Coleman Sinclair

16 Splashdown at the Speedway
There were 65 miles to go at Indy when the rains came and Unser sluiced to victory
by Robert F. Jones

20 The Warriors Were Bulletproof
Golden State destroyed favored Washington in four straight to win the NBA title
by Pat Putnam

22 They Didn't Have the Foggiest
Pea soup kept rolling in as Buffalo and Philadelphia battled for the Stanley Cup
by Mark Mulvoy

24 And the Yu-I Flowed Like Wine
U.S. track team learns new Chinese saying: "Friendship first, competition second"
by John Underwood

28 The Big Bad Boat Bug
The unlimited hydroplane virus rages again as the 1975 season begins
by Coles Phinizy

70 Love, Hate and Billy Martin
The irascible manager of the Texas Rangers is no mere bad boy
by Frank Deford

The departments

12 Scorecard
36 Tennis
52 TV/Radio
55 Baseball
61 Golf
66 Swimming
85 For the Record
86 19th Hole

Cover photograph by Walter Iooss Jr.

Credits on page 85



Next Week

The longest season positively comes to an end as the Philadelphia Flyers and Buffalo Sabres, survivors of eight months and 90-odd hockey games apiece, decide who will have the Stanley Cup for the coming year.

The interminable war in Vietnam involved hundreds of thousands of young Americans, among them Rocky Bleier, then a little-known back with the Steelers. Bleier, who was wounded, tells of ignobility and heroism in combat.