Jon Svendsen, a senior at the University of California, scored the winning goal in a 9-8 defeat of UC Irvine to give the Bears their third straight NCAA water polo championship. Svendsen had 11 goals in three tournament games and was named MVP.
Peg Neppel, a senior at Iowa State, won the first AIAW cross-country title at Ames, covering the three-mile course in 16:31. Neppel had led the Cyclones to three straight U.S. Federation titles, and her team has gone undefeated in 21 college meets.
Randy Simmons, a junior at the University of Texas, beat Bob Byman of Wake Forest by one stroke to win the Sun Bowl College All-Star Golf Tournament at El Paso. Coming from three strokes behind, he finished with a three-under-par 68 for a 209 total.
Jimmy Jordan, a senior at Leon High in Tallahassee, set national prep records hitting 263 of 471 passes for 4,098 yards in a 12-2 season ending in a 31-14 loss to Hialeah-Miami Lakes in the state AAAA finals. He threw six touchdown passes two games in a row.
Darene Schwartz, a junior at Palmer (Texas) High School, scored her 2,005th point in a 50-43 win over Catholic AAA State basketball champion Bishop Dunne. Schwartz shot in double figures 81 games in a row and is a regional record holder in the 80-yard hurdles.
Dave Ratti, 18, of Fairview, Pa., sailed his 11-foot Mirror Dinghy to wins in the Mid-Atlantic regionals and the junior nationals and to a fourth place in the National Class championship. Ratti will represent the U.S. in the 1976 World Class regatta in Holland.