No Games Today 16
At an impasse with club owners over the issue of free-agent compensation, major league players went on strike
by Jim Kaplan
It Was Holmes and Hagler
Larry Holmes' stature as a champion is endlessly doubted, but his effortless handling of Leon Spinks was the McCoy 22
by Pat Putnam
When Marvin Hagler and Vito Antuofermo put their heads together, the latter was the bloodied loser 24
by Clive Gammon
As We Join Our Show, Steve Is Running 32
Can Steve Scott, miler and soap-opera junkie, find happiness with a world record? You can bet he'd like to find out
by Kenny Moore
The Beard Has Begun 46
Bjorn Borg has had close shaves at Wimbledon, but he hasn't lost in five years. The secret may be his private ritual
by Curry Kirkpatrick
The Best Man for the Job Is a Woman 70
When it comes to driving a 2,500-horsepower dragster, two-time world champion Shirley Muldowney is unexcelled
by Sam Moses
The Departments
Scorecard 11
Baseball 58
Track & Field 63
Golf 66
For the Record 87
19th Hole 88
Credits on page 87
Cover photograph by Lane Stewart