20 Hagler Vs. Hearns
Marvelous Marvin Hagler held on to his middleweight title with a victory over challenger Thomas Hearns in Las Vegas
by Pat Putnam
26 Der Meisterswinger
Bernhard Langer, the finest golfer West Germany has ever produced, won the Masters when Curtis Strange fell apart
by Barry McDermott
36 'All I Want Is To Be Happy'
Star player John Williams, under indictment in the Tulane point-shaving scandal, faces an unpredictable future
by Douglas S. Looney
44 Back In A Blaze Of Glory
Destroyed by fire in 1977, New Jersey's Garden State Park has been rebuilt by broker-horseman Robert Brennan
by William Leggett
58 Denver's Portland Cement
Solidified by three ex-Trail Blazers, the Nuggets headed into the playoffs after their finest NBA season ever
by Alexander Wolff
78 On The Road Again And Again...
For nearly four decades Marques Haynes has been working his dribbling magic and making basketball history
by William Nack
15 Scorecard
62 Baseball
70 Motor Sports
77 Marathon
103 For The Record
104 19th Hole
LEADING OFF: Strange interlude at the Masters: Leading by two strokes, Curtis Strange found himself up Rae's Creek at the 13th hole. He got the ball out of the water and made bogey, but had to ditch his chance for victory.