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Reggie Jackson isn't the only one reacting to the Al Campanis controversy (page 40). Spurred by the furor over the former Los Angeles Dodger executive's insensitive remarks about blacks in baseball, both the NAACP and Rev. Jesse Jackson say they will push for the hiring of more blacks for management positions in that sport. Stan Kasten, president of the Atlanta Braves and Hawks, has vowed to improve the minority hiring practices of both of his teams. In addition, Chris Silva, the premier black swimmer of the last decade, has announced plans to return to serious training in a bid to win a spot on the 1988 U.S. Olympic team. His decision came in direct response to Campanis's statement that blacks aren't buoyant enough to be world-class swimmers.

Meanwhile, other controversies involving blacks in sports keep cropping up. One involves Texas A & M quarterback Kevin Murray, who holds many school passing records but wasn't selected in last week's NFL draft. Oiler quarterback Warren Moon, who like Murray is black, claimed this was evidence of the NFL's continued snubbing of black quarterbacks. Whether or not racism had anything to do with Murray's not being drafted, the fact is that he just isn't considered that great a pro prospect.

Then there's the case of the world's two top black women tennis players, No. 7-ranked Zina Garrison and No. 12 Lori McNeil. It is rare for a woman in the top 15 not to have an endorsement contract with a clothing company, yet neither Garrison nor McNeil has one. Pony had Garrison under contract for a while but chose not to renew the deal. John Wilkerson, who coaches Garrison and McNeil, told Tennis Week that Pony officials "said Zina didn't project what they wanted. They said they were looking for a blonde, blue-eyed white girl." Wilkerson concedes that because the tennis market is predominantly white, Pony may have valid economic reasons for such decisions, but he also says that companies could "push" black players effectively if they tried. Pony officials say tight budgets, not race, caused them to cut their ties to Garrison. The company is spending its money on a Golden Girl concept featuring a white player, bodysuit-clad Anne White, who is ranked No. 46 in the world.


Ellen Malone takes a 5.2-mile jog each day near her home in Whiting, Vt. For the last 16 months, however, she has been chased, butted and generally harassed on her runs by a wildly playful two-year-old doe named Bonkers. "I don't think she knows she's a deer," says Malone, whose complaints about the overly fawning doe have brought her a flood of hate mail from local animal lovers. "I think she's bonded to me."

Bonkers was found abandoned in the woods shortly after birth and raised by a family in neighboring Shoreham, Vt. She now lives on the farm of Shoreham game warden Densmore Gaiotti. When Malone appealed to state authorities to have the deer moved to some kind of animal preserve, more than 600 area residents signed petitions in opposition. "The situation has gotten out of control," says Malone. "I just want to run without being bothered. I'm not a deer hater. I really like her."

The obvious solution would be for Malone, 33, to stop running past Gaiotti's farm. But she says any other route would be less convenient, more heavily trafficked and considerably hillier.

"I run anytime from 7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m., and she's always there," says Malone. "She doesn't keep regular deer hours." Wildlife officials haven't yet decided how to keep Bonkers from going bonkers at the sight of Malone.

A 3-year-old colt named U.S. Air was flying high after winning a $17,500 purse at Aqueduct against 8-1 odds on April 2. But news of the victory did not sit well with the New York-based Jockey Club, which oversees the naming of thoroughbreds, and bars any name used commercially. Somehow, U.S. Air had slipped past. Ordered to come up with a new name, the horse's owner, Edward Anchel, rechristened him J.C. (for Jockey Club) Recall. The colt was unfazed. Starting again at Aqueduct the other day, J.C. Recall came from dead last to win a $25,000 claimer at 8-1 odds.

The famous Chicken has a new promotional slogan: Poultry in Motion.


Golfer Jan Stephenson was driving back to her hotel on Saturday night in St. Petersburg, Fla., site of the LPGA's S & H Classic, when her car was broadsided. Stephenson, who had been tied for the tournament lead with Cindy Hill, suffered scalp lacerations, a dislocated rib and a sprained back.

Stephenson was forced to withdraw from the tournament, which was one for the medical books. Hill hadn't played in nine weeks because of a pancreas ailment. One of the golfers just a stroke behind the two leaders going into Sunday's final round was Myra Blackwelder, who is 7½ months pregnant.

On Sunday, Hill shot a 66 to wrap up the victory, but Blackwelder, who said she "had to keep moving the baby around" as she played, turned in a 74 to tie for 16th. Blackwelder, who won $2,872, said she won't play again until after the child is born.


O'Malley's, a bar located near the University of Georgia football stadium, has begun selling parking spaces to Bulldog fans. For a mere $9,500 (plus a $200-per-year maintenance fee), a fan can park at O'Malley's during every Georgia home game through the year 2006. O'Malley's will build a clubhouse for the exclusive use of parkers.

The cost of a space—assuming six home games per season—comes to $112.50 per game. O'Malley's has already sold nearly 100 of its 400 spaces.


Todd Twachtmann, a senior at Dartmouth, is nicknamed T Squared. Last week, in the first game of a doubleheader against Army, he homered to put Dartmouth ahead 2-0. By day's end he had two singles, two RBIs, two putouts and two assists and had scored twice to help the Green win two for the second day in a row.

The next morning, T Squared's wife, Susan, gave birth to twins.


The teams that chose best in last week's NFL draft were, in order, San Diego, Buffalo, San Francisco, Minnesota, Green Bay and the Giants. I didn't much care for the Redskins' or Rams' picks, and I'm still scratching my head over Chicago's and St. Louis's.

The key to the Chargers' draft is whether veteran linebacker Chip Banks, acquired from Cleveland on draft day, decides to report. San Diego came up with the draft's best tight end in Rod Bernstine, a terrific cover guy in cornerback Louis Brock and a dedicated pass rusher in defensive end Karl Wilson, but Banks would make the act complete.

The Bills got the defensive people they wanted—linebacker Shane Conlan and cornerbacks Nate Odomes and Roland Mitchell—and also came up with quality in the lower rounds, notably Jamie Mueller, a sleeper big back (6 feet, 218 pounds, 4.61 40) out of Benedictine College. The 49ers, drafting with an eye toward improving their pass blocking, got linemen who can help, Harris Barton and Jeff Bregel.

I like the Vikings' draft because they selected proven players like running back D.J. Dozier, middle linebacker Ray Berry and nosetackle Henry Thomas. Running back Brent Fullwood could give Green Bay some terrific offensive punch, and the Pack did very well down the line, too, grabbing the nation's best punter, Bill Smith, in Round 7. The Giants lucked into a trio of instant-impact people in wide receivers Mark Ingram and Stephen Baker and strong safety Adrian White.

It's unfair to knock the Redskins, who had only two picks in the first four rounds, but the Rams' selections mystify me. They went the Mike Schad route again, taking unknown nosetackle Donald Evans on their first pick, then added to strength by choosing four more defensive guys right away. Chicago's making quarterback Jim Harbaugh its top selection tells me that 1) the Bears are afraid Jim McMahon can't last a full season and that 2) they admit Doug Flutie was a mistake.

If Kelly Stouffer turns out to be the quarterback sensation of '87, I'll eat these words, but right now St. Louis's top pick seems strange. It means Neil Lomax is trade bait, which is no secret, but the team everybody thought would bite, the Raiders, isn't interested. The Raiders figure that Atlanta assistants Rod Dowhower and Jim Hanifan know Lomax best (they had him in St. Louis), and if they aren't interested, that's a bad sign.





St. Louis should have passed on Colorado State's Stouffer, a surprising pick in Round 1.


•Jerry Glanville, Houston Oilers coach, on his team's drafting of 6'2" wide receiver Haywood Jeffires of North Carolina State to go with current Oiler wide-outs Drew Hill and Ernest Givins, both of whom are 5'9": "We wanted a receiver who couldn't qualify as a jockey."

•Mike Ditka, Chicago Bears coach, on CBS announcer John Madden: "John is one man who doesn't let success go to his clothes."

•Gene Gieselmann, trainer for the baseball Cardinals: "Injuries are part of the game. Without them, I wouldn't have a job."