The new world tennis order...The IAAF just says O.K. ...A fond adios to Amoros
The state of Georgia, by Boris Yeltsin and fellow Muscovites. Boris, who's nine and a grandson of the president of Russia, is touring the southeastern U.S. with 14 mates from Moscow's exclusive Russian Academy of Tennis. Though all their players are 14 or younger, the Russians won the boys' 16-and-under title and made it to the finals of the boys' 18's at the Hidden Hills Junior Classic in Stone Mountain last week. They did even better in the girls' competition, where the 12's, 14's and 16's finals were entirely Russian affairs. Young Yeltsin is considered a less talented player than many of his traveling companions, but he still won the three-player 10-and-under division.
To run at the Summer Olympics, women's world champion 100- and 200-meter sprinter Katrin Krabbe of Germany and teammates Silke Möller and Grit Breuer. The German track federation (DLV) suspended them in February after they allegedly provided identical urine samples for a drug test while at a training camp in South Africa, and the IAAF, the world governing body of track and field, then put them on four-year suspension, too. But the DLV lifted its ban in April, after it decided the samples could have been tampered with en route from South Africa to the lab in Cologne. Furthermore, German law dictates that an independent commission, not the DLV, conduct testing. The IAAF panel considered not whether the athletes had broken any rules but whether the DLV was correct in lifting the ban. "The panel didn't feel able to overturn the position of the DLV," said the athletes' attorney, Tim House.
Permanently from playing major league baseball, New York Yankee pitcher Steve Howe, 34, by commissioner Faye Vincent. Howe, who had been suspended six times for drug use and recently pleaded guilty in Missoula, Mont., to attempting to buy cocaine, is the first baseball player banned for life for drug-related reasons.
Sandy Amoros, 62, the fleet-footed Brooklyn Dodger hero of the 1955 World Series; of pneumonia; in Miami. With a man on first in the sixth inning of Game 7, the New York Yankees' Yogi Berra sliced a drive down the leftfield line in Yankee Stadium for what looked to be a game-tying double. Amoros, a part-time outfielder who had just been inserted in left, dashed for the foul line, caught the ball, spun and threw it to shortstop Pee Wee Reese, who relayed it to Gil Hodges at first to complete the double play that effectively clinched the Bums' first world championship. In assessing his efforts after the game, Amoros said, "Lucky, lucky, I'm so lucky." Ultimately, however, he was not. After finishing his seven-year, three-team major league career in '61, Amoros returned to his native Cuba, where he owned a ranch. In '62, Fidel Castro asked Amoros to manage a team in Cuba's pro league, and after Amoros declined, Castro stripped him of his assets. Amoros left Cuba in '67, arriving penniless in the U.S. He held various menial jobs for 20 years, and part of his left leg was amputated in '87 because of diabetes. "It's my memories of baseball that keep me alive," he said in '89.
Boris is a born leftist.