Dennis Rodman and John Stockton would seem to be about as
different as two human beings--much less two basketball
players--could be. But according to our panel of 29 NBA players,
coaches and executives, the two share something on the hardwood:
a penchant for taking things a bit too far. We asked our
panelists to name the league's dirtiest player, and to no one's
surprise, Chicago's Rodman came in first, with 10 votes--but
Stockton's five votes, good for second place, might raise a few
eyebrows. "He's sneaky," said one assistant coach, "always
grabbing, pulling and tugging. He holds as he sets picks."
A lot of those picks are for teammate Karl Malone, who earned
three votes of his own. "He's a cheap-shot artist," said one
assistant coach, who, probably for reasons of his own safety,
requested anonymity. Elbowing his way between Stockton and
Malone for third was New York's Charles Oakley, with four votes.
(A second tag-team also made the list: A.C. Green and Shawn
Bradley of the Mavericks.)
As for Rodman's first-place finish, he was the biggest favorite
since Secretariat in the Belmont Stakes. The Worm turns a lot of
stomachs. "A certain element likes the sideshow atmosphere,"
says Kings VP Geoff Petrie, "but the game isn't going to miss
him when he's gone."