Anyone who has ever been a waiter, driven a cab, parked cars or
caddied knows that the size of a customer's bank account often
isn't directly proportional to the size of the tip he leaves. So
it's unsurprising that not all the NBA's millionaire players are
generous with their gratuities. "Ninety percent of the guys are
bad tippers," says a Western Conference general manager. That
may be overstating it. In fact, in talking with players, coaches
and executives, we heard more stories about good tippers,
including the Pistons' Grant Hill, the Hornets' Anthony Mason,
the Pacers' Chris Mullin, the Wizards' Chris Webber and the
Knicks' Buck Williams, in addition to the ones listed below,
than we did about cheapskates. Here are some of the leading
members of both groups.
CHARLES BARKLEY, Rockets: Never gives a cab driver less than a
20, no matter how small the fare. Often leaves $100 for a $30 or
$40 tab.
MICHAEL JORDAN, Bulls: Golf-club caddies love him, not just
because he's polite and remembers their names but also because
he often doubles their usual tip.
TIM HARDAWAY, Heat: Takes good care of the ball boys. Often
leaves his game sneakers for them.
LARRY JOHNSON, Knicks: Offer to park his car. There might be as
much as $50 in it for you.
HORACE GRANT, Magic: Will sometimes ask, "What's the best tip
you've ever gotten?" and then match or exceed it.
KEVIN GARNETT, Timberwolves: Pizza-delivery people complain that
he never tips, despite his six-year, $125 million contract.
SCOTTIE PIPPEN, Bulls: The staff at one South Florida restaurant
dubbed him No Tippin' Pippen.
SHAWN KEMP, Cavaliers: It's not hard to find limo drivers,
waiters and waitresses who say the Reign Man left them little or
no gratuity.
--P. T.
COLOR ILLUSTRATION: DAVID COWLES HARDAWAY HAS A HEFTY HANDOUT FOR THE HELP [Painting of Tim Hardaway holding twenty dollar billls]