The Line on... Joe Ogilvie: He's a Golfer Without Portfolio
The Nike tour's leading money winner spent an hour with his idol,
multibillionaire investor Warren Buffett, at last month's Omaha
Classic. "I didn't get any tips, though," says Ogilvie. "Every
time I mentioned stocks, he changed the subject."
Ogilvie, 24, has won $134,513 in 1998 after finishing 42nd at
last week's Nike Permian Basin Open in Odessa, Texas. The Duke
economics grad, whose two wins this year put him within one
victory of a battlefield promotion to the PGA Tour, calls Buffett
his hero "because he doesn't deviate from his game plan for
success. That's how I try to play golf." If the game doesn't lead
him to easy street, Ogilvie may take the Wall Street route. "I
thought I'd be a stockbroker in New York by now," he says.
Despite his passion for the market, though, he has yet to invest
his earnings. Like the Omaha Oracle, he sees few bargains on the
big board: "Stocks have been overpriced, but I am looking at
Boeing and Disney."
--John O'Keefe