June 21, 1999 Table Of Contents
Golf Plus
By Ivan Maisel
By Gene Menez Edited by Cameron Morfit
My Shot If you're going to win only one Tour event, you could do worse than make it the U.S. Open
By Orville Moody Edited by Cameron Morfit
Catching Up With...
Steve Taylor, Nebraska Quarterback November 30, 1987
Si View
By John Walters
Hip Unchecked In sports and on TV, sarcasm and cynicism are drowning out sincerity and compassion
By Steve Rushin
NBA Playoffs
NHL Playoffs
By Tim Crothers
Gotham loves its real bat man, Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter, who's got what it takes—looks, poise, talent—to be the top banana in the Big Apple
By Rick Reilly
Pro Football
Women's World Cup Preview
By Grant Wahl
Inside Motor Sports
By Ed Hinton; Franz Lidz
Inside Baseball
By Stephen Cannella; Jeff Pearlman
By David Sabino
Dazzling Dazzy Offense boomed in '30 but not against Dazzy Vance
Inside The NBA
By Ken Griffey; Jaime Diaz Edited by Kevin Cook and Mark Mravic