M&M Deja Vu All Over Again
New York Yankees fan Billy Crystal practices verite in his new
movie, 61*, about the season Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris
assaulted Babe Ruth's home run record. The film, which debuts on
HBO in April, meticulously recreates scenes from the chase
B/W PHOTO: BETTMANN/CORBIS Double take Mantle and Maris (above, left and right, respectively, at Yankee Stadium in 1961) are portrayed in 61* by Thomas Jane (far left) and Barry Pepper.
B/W PHOTO: KEN REGAN/CAMERA 5/HBO [See caption above]
B/W PHOTO: TONY TRIOLO It's outta here Maris hit number 61 at Yankee Stadium on Oct. 1 (left). The movie scene was shot last summer with Pepper at old Tiger Stadium (above).
B/W PHOTO: KEN REGAN/CAMERA 5/HBO [See caption above]
B/W PHOTO: BETTMANN/CORBIS Ball of fame In the film (right) and in reality, Maris, holding a commemorative jersey, met Sal Durante, the Yankees fan who caught the record homer ball.
B/W PHOTO: KEN REGAN/CAMERA 5/HBO [See caption above]
B/W PHOTO: BETTMANN/CORBIS Stroke of genius Despite injuries, Mantle (above) kept up with Maris until season's end. Jane (right) mastered the Mick's swing from both sides of the plate.
B/W PHOTO: KEN REGAN/CAMERA 5/HBO [See caption above]
B/W PHOTO: BETTMANN/CORBIS Glove story Maris played Yankee Stadium's short porch in rightfield perfectly to rob hitters of homers (left). Extras helped Pepper do it, too (below).
B/W PHOTO: KEN REGAN/CAMERA 5/HBO [See caption above]