Bridget Lobo In her online diary, a WNBA forward takes the liberty of offering offbeat commentary about off-court life
Rebecca Lobo isn't neurotic and doesn't use the word shag, but in
her biweekly column "The World According to Me," on
rebeccalobo.com and wnba.com, the New York Liberty forward files
amusing entries, mostly on nonbasketball matters, that make her
the WNBA version of the title character of Helen Fielding's
best-selling 1998 novel, Bridget Jones's Diary, which has since
been made into a hit movie. Says Lobo (right), "It's not your 'We
went to pregame blah, blah, blah' type of diary."
Instead, readers get a description of Lobo's appearance as a
celebrity presenter at the fragrance industry's FiFi Awards at
Radio City: "Joan Rivers was flanked by some man whose only duty
was carrying her pashmina.... The B-list was never so much fun."
After being invited to ride on Air Force One in the spring of
2000, Lobo breathlessly detailed some of its features (79 seats
and 86 phones) and how she got a peek at President Clinton
working in his office, noting that he has a "big desk and carpet
with the Oval Office seal." While Bridget has pals Jude and
Shazzer, Lobo's running mate is Liberty forward and road roommate
Sue Wicks, whose antics provide good copy--such as when Wicks
accidentally spills orange Gatorade on Latrell Sprewell's jersey
before a Knicks playoff game, or when she asks Lobo to interpret
her bizarre dreams.
Away from the court Lobo, 27, can be spotted taking notes or
tearing out newspaper articles to use as column fodder. She may
also be seen at restaurants, pubs, movies and at 7:30 a.m. Sunday
Mass at an Upper West Side Catholic church, but rarely at dance
clubs. Says Lobo, "I'm just not the techno-dance,
put-on-my-tight-outfit type." Bridget would understand.
--John O'Keefe