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Trading E-Mail With... Giants multipurpose running back Tiki Barber

SI: Your advice to Maurice Clarett.

Barber: I would say, "Wait! Enjoy your college experience,
because the real world, even as an athlete, is complicated and
frustrating. The longer you can have someone take care of you,
the better."

SI: What's the secret in being able to be a workhorse back with
your 5'10", 200-pound build?

Barber: Running scared [not literally]. When I see a hit coming,
I [curl up] so my whole body absorbs the blow.

SI: Which athlete do you most admire?

Barber: Andre Agassi. He's consistent, and he's humble in victory
and defeat.

SI: What do Monday mornings feel like?

Barber: I get out of bed real slow, because I'm never sure what
body part is going to trigger a pain response. It's like I do a
systems check with every step I take. Sometimes it's general
soreness. Sometimes my muscles won't fire because the pain won't
let them.

SI: You've worked in radio and television. Who's the best NFL

Barber: Ron Jaworski of ESPN. He analyzes plays like a coach
does. It's like he's in our meetings.

SI: If you could have lunch with anyone on the planet you've
never met, who would it be?

Barber: Colin Powell. He's living history, an African-American
and a central figure in some of the most important events of our
time. I wonder if he likes football, or even has time to watch.