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Tedy Bared

Our family noted with pleasure that Tedy Bruschi was on the cover (Jan. 24) two weeks after your story Every Team Needs a Bruschi (Jan. 10). Tedy was no doubt too humble to mention he is also tops as a community volunteer. Several times during the past year our son, Dan, has participated in events emceed by Tedy for the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital--the rehab facility used by the Patriots. At each event Tedy spent time talking to people, posing for pictures and signing autographs. He couldn't have been nicer.

Denise and Ted Winston, Wakefield, R.I.

Fine Line

Congratulations and thank you to Bill Frakes for the photograph of the Atlanta Falcons' offensive line (See How They Run, Jan. 24). Every now and then we get to see a picture that shows the artistry and precision of offensive line blocking.

Jim Otto, Atlanta

Too Soon?

Karl Taro Greenfeld's article on 14-year-old basketball player Demetrius Walker (The Fast Track, Jan. 24) contained the lines "I shouldn't be writing this. You shouldn't be reading it." You know, you're right. So I didn't. Why didn't you make the same easy call?

Steve Laffey, St. Louis

Your story on Walker raises compelling issues regarding the speed of advancement by today's talented young athletes, but Greenfeld focuses on the potential for failure. I would like to commend D for having passion and purpose in his life. Far too often young peoples' lack of direction, goals or aspirations leads to tragedy. We all might be able to learn something from this young man's discipline and motivation in his attempt to achieve his goals.

Greg German, Spartanburg, S.C.

The photo of Walker on the train tracks should never have been taken. Your photographer trespassed on an active railroad line and brought Walker along with him. Worse yet, he had Walker stand on top of the rail, where it's very easy to slip off and break an ankle. (Stepping on the rails is strictly forbidden for railroad employees.) There should be a clear rule for SI and all of Time Warner's other outlets: no walking in the middle of a freeway and no taking pictures on railroad tracks.

Matthew Mitchell, Philadelphia

Geography Class

Jermaine O'Neal (SI Players, Jan. 24) must have been very worn out by his 1,100 mile (each way) trek to high school each day from his home in Columbia, S.C., to Eau Claire, Wis. Oh, wait: You must have meant Eau Claire High here in Columbia.

Jon Bové, Columbia, S.C.

EDITOR'S NOTE: SI regrets the error.

Point After

E.M. Swift's saying Michelle Kwan has held back figure skating in the U.S. by not performing a triple triple in competition is insane (Flash of the Future, Jan. 24). It's like saying Shaq is holding basketball back because he can't shoot free throws.

Lesley Kypriss, Las Vegas

Picture Imperfect

Seth Davis reports that Joe Crawford was "forced" to give Kentucky another try (Inside College Basketball, Jan. 24). Had Kentucky waived Crawford, it would have set the stage for other players to threaten to walk out on their commitments because they are upset with any little thing (such as playing time). The picture that ran with the item, however, is not of Crawford, but of junior walk-on Ravi Moss--who has had significant playing time, in part, because of the Crawford fiasco.

Trey Reid, Louisville

EDITOR'S NOTE: SI regrets the error.

TD To-do

Rick Reilly's Tips for TO and Randy (Life of Reilly, Jan. 24) left out the touchdown celebration that would shock and astound everyone: shaking hands with the teammates who helped make the touchdown possible. Then again, it may be asking too much to think that a teammate deserves some credit

Rick Mancinelli, Cumberland, R.I.

When did putting up six points become less important than the celebration afterward? Professional football players are paid to get into the end zone. They need not act like children when they do.

Zach Schneider, Duluth

Our Readers Reach Out

The response to Steve Rushin's column on Tyler Kessler (AIR AND SPACE, Jan. 31)--the 14-year-old Bethlehem, Pa., boy who has battled cancer and kidney disease and whose father, Bob, has devised a restorative regimen of attending NFL games--was warm and generous. SI readers offered the Kesslers NFL tickets, temporary housing and even a kidney. All letters have been forwarded to the Kesslers. This week Tyler and Bob attended the Super Bowl and got to spend time with Dan Marino.

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When he visited Pittsburgh, Tyler met the Steelers' Jerome Bettis.