Mike Modano
On his low-carbdiet
During fall ofthe lockout year [2004], I wasn't feeling good. I wasn't pushing myselfphysically, but I felt lethargic throughout the day. I got introduced to anutrition expert, we did a checkup and I started a protein-based diet. I eatlots of chicken, fish and steak, and I've cut out cheese, bread and rice. Ilove pasta, and I miss it. But you get into a routine, and you get used toit.
On his favoritesteak place in Dallas, Bob's Steak & Chop House
During NFL seasonI go there on Mondays. I like my steak medium rare. My top steak houses areBob's, Peter Luger's [in Brooklyn] and Manny's in Minnesota.
On reboundingfrom a career-worst season in 2003-04 to lead the Stars with 77 points
I keep aleather-bound journal, and I look at it on game days or before practice torefresh my memory about what I want to do in each game. I also [write down]quotes from people who said my best years were behind me and that I wouldn't beable to play at the level I used to.
On his maturitylevel
I'm a smarterplayer at 35 than I was 10 years ago. At 25 a lot of worthless thinking goeson; you wear yourself out mentally. When you're young, you overthink thingsrather than let your instincts and talent take over. Now it's less thinking andmore emphasis on the physical part.
On his onefight--with then Blue, now Hurricane Rod Brind'Amour
It was my firstyear [1989-90]. I didn't do too well, but I found out that he's a real strongguy. I got hit a couple times in the face and ended up with a black eye. Idiscovered that wasn't my gig.
On his five-year,$17.3 million deal
Money wasn't abig factor. I had offers in Boston and Chicago, but I had doubts. I heard fromplayers who played for those organizations and didn't enjoy it. Plus, to startand finish my career with one team is something I wanted to do.
On being aneligible bachelor
I've gottenproposals--signs like have my baby or marry me. I used to get notes on mywindshield in Minnesota [where the Stars were based in the early 1990s]. Butpeople don't have access to your cars like they did.
On his goldenretrievers
Scout and Bella.I've had them almost nine years. They don't retrieve much. They just lie aroundlike me, but they're well-mannered. And they love to swim. I spoil them withlots of love, treats and toys. When I'm on the road, I leave them with myfriend's mom. I'd never leave them at doggy day care. I can't trust that. --Astold to Yi-Wyn Yen
Photograph by Danny Turner