Feeling Kneady
Bills CornerbackTroy Vincent has packed a lot into his 34 years. He has made five Pro Bowls; heand his wife, Tommi, have five children; he's president of the NFL PlayersAssociation; and he operates three New Jersey--based businesses he started whenhe played for the Eagles. There's Eltekon financial services; Troy VincentDevelopment and Construction; and what is no doubt his most invigoratingenterprise: Essence, the Ewing, N.J., spa where Vincent himself goes for alittle pampering. His favorite treatment: the stress buster massage ($30), anormally half-hour procedure concentrating on the head, neck, shoulders andback. "I love to extend the stress buster to 90 minutes," he says,"so I can fall asleep and wake up relaxed."
Vincent, whomajored in urban planning at Wisconsin, and Tommi, a licensed cosmetologist,opened the spa in 1999 after her hair-cutting business outgrew their basement.They took over a dilapidated pizza joint and transformed it into what Troycalls a "city day spa." Essence provides a full menu of services,including a sports manicure (above). Among the clients: former Eagles HughDouglas and Bobby Taylor. "We try to run a first-class business--notelevisions, no cellphones, and the only time money is exchanged is at thefront desk," Vincent says.
Vincent's businessacumen has led to speculation that he may one day succeed NFLPA boss GeneUpshaw or be commissioner. But he has his "heart set on owning my own [NFL]franchise," he says. And, just as you might expect from a man in themassage business, he adds, "I want to be very hands-on."