Chris Young
On studyingpolitics at Princeton and being the only male to win Ivy League rookie of theyear in two sports
It was tough myfirst semester. I didn't like being away from home [Dallas], and it was achallenge having to balance basketball, baseball and that academic workload. Ittaught me quickly how to be responsible and how to maximize my time. My seniorthesis looked at how the media influence public opinion. I used Jackie Robinsonas a variable to measure how racial stereotypes and attitudes in the 1940schanged as a result of his integration into baseball.
On getting advicefrom fellow 6'10" pitcher Randy Johnson
We were in NewYork, and he took time to speak to me for 45 minutes in the weight room. Wetalked about mechanics and how important it is [as a tall man] to find aconsistent delivery. Randy passed on drills and focal points that helped him.I've taken a lot of what he said and tried to apply it.
On meetingPresident Bush
A group of uswith the Rangers [last year] went to the White House when we were in Baltimore.It was amazing to stand in the Oval Office. We talked about a few things, butthe war in Iraq was the main topic. What I took away from the meeting was howreal he is. What you see on TV is the same person you get in private. He'sextremely passionate and devoted and faithful.
On meeting hiswife, Liz
We met in ourfirst class freshmen year, but it took us three years to wise up and startdating. It was Spanish class where we met. She claims she was better [atSpanish] than me, but I think she took my being quiet and soft-spoken for notbeing intelligent.
On her family'shockey legacy
Liz'sgreat-grandfather was [former player, coach and G.M.] Lester Patrick, who wasvery influential--they named the former NHL Patrick Division after him. Hergrandfather [Muzz] played for and coached the Rangers, her dad [Dick] ispresident of the Capitals, and her uncle Craig was general manager of thePenguins. I've gotten to be a hockey fan, but I'm still learning.
On whether he'sever skated
No, and I don'tthink I'll try.
On rejecting aguaranteed two-year offer from the Sacramento Kings in 2004 and staying withbaseball
It was a toughdecision considering where I was in my baseball career [Double A in Frisco,Texas]. It's surreal that I even had that opportunity. I'm happy with mydecision--things have worked out great.
On his favoritething about San Diego
I hate to say it,but it's the weather. It's so perfect and sunny and beautiful every day. Wespent most off days at the beach before Liz went back to Georgetown for lawschool. It's like being on vacation all season.
Photograph by Julie Dennis Brothers/Saba