Buddy Allin
Allin (left)served an 18-month tour of duty as an artillery officer in Vietnam, where heearned a Bronze Star and an Air Medal. In 1971 he made it to the PGA Tour andwon five times in his first six years. At 72, on March 10.
Gay Brewer
Brewer joined thePGA Tour in 1956, won his first title in 1961 and finished his Tour career with11 victories. His biggest win was the 1967 Masters, at which he edged BobbyNichols by a shot. At 75, on Aug. 31.
Kelly Jo Dowd
In the spring of2006 Dowd (far right), who was battling cancer, fulfilled her dream of seeingher golf-prodigy daughter, Dakoda, play in an LPGA event. Dakoda, then 13,received an exemption into the Ginn Open near Orlando shortly before her motherwas told that she had only months to live. At 42, on May 24.
Ruth Jessen
Known for herfour-foot-wide putting stance, Jessen won 11 LPGA events in three decades. Herbest season was in 1964, when she won five times. At 70, on Sept. 21.
Joe Jimenez
During a career asa club pro, including a 27-year stint as the head pro at Jefferson City (Mo.)Country Club, Jimenez won the 1978 PGA Seniors Championship and then qualifiedfor the Champions tour at age 55. At 81, on Aug. 11.
H. HaroldMacNeill
Along with hisfather and brother, MacNeill (left) was a cofounder of MacNeill Engineering.Based in Marlborough, Mass., the company started manufacturing golf spikes in1947 and in the late 1980s became a pioneer in the plastic-spike industry. At99, on Jan. 5.
Don Massengale
Massengale wontwice in 11 seasons on the PGA Tour and lost the 1967 PGA Championship in aplayoff with Don January. At 69, on Jan. 2.
Rod Myers
A PGA MasterProfessional who officiated at nine Masters (1995-2003), Myers coached themen's team at Duke from 1973 until his death. His squads made seven trips tothe NCAA Championships. At 67, on March 30.
Maureen Orcutt
A decoratedamateur golfer as well as a sportswriter for The New York Times, Orcutt (right)won more than 65 tournaments, including 10 Women's Metropolitan Amateurs, andwas twice runner-up at the U.S. Women's Amateur. At 99, on Jan. 9.
Conrad Rehling
Rehling, a PGAMaster Professional, was a professor of physical education for 20 years and acollege coach for 32, primarily at Alabama and Florida. In 1980 he was amongthe inaugural inductees into the Golf Coaches Association of America Hall ofFame. At 87, on April 3.
Ed Seay
The president ofthe American Society of Golf Course Architects in 1976-77, Seay (right) begandesigning courses with Arnold Palmer in 1972, and in '79 they formed PalmerCourse Design. Seay and Palmer went on to create more than 300 courses. At 69,on Aug. 14.
Taylor Smith
Smith played onthe PGA Tour in 1996 and '97. He is best known for finishing in a tie for firstwith Tiger Woods at the '96 Disney and for his disqualification when it wasdetermined that he had a nonconforming grip on his long putter. At 40, on July22.
Norman VonNida
The godfather ofAustralian golf and the first standout pro in Australian history, Von Nida's80-plus worldwide victories included three Australian Opens and four AustralianPGAs. He went on to become a mentor to pros such as Peter Thomson and GregNorman. At 93, on May 20.
Nick Weslock
One of the mostsuccessful amateurs in Canadian history, Weslock was known as the Wedge for hissuperb short game. He won four Canadian amateur titles (1957, '63, '64 and '66)and was the low amateur at the Canadian Open 11 times. At 89, on Oct. 28.
Louis WillieJr.
An insuranceexecutive in Birmingham, Willie in 1990 agreed to become the firstAfrican-American member of Shoal Creek Country Club to quell a racialcontroversy and keep the PGA Championship at the club. At 84, on Sept. 16.
What I [missed] more than anything . . . was being withtour players and the camaraderie of being in the locker room and telling dirtyjokes and laughing.